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Remove old and redundant functions (#2520)
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* Remove New-PesterOption

* Remove Set-PesterStatistics

* Remove ResolveTestScripts

* Move utility functions

* TODO comments to remove CC hashtable syntax

* Remove In

* Remove flattenBlock

Not used and covered by Fold-Block -OnBlock ...

* Remove unused Anywhere and *Dependency helpers

* TODO comments

* Remove duplicate unused ConvertTo-HumanTime

Overwritten by function in Output.ps1

* Remove redundant ConvertTo-HumanTime

Replaced by more popular Get-HumanTime

* Move helpers to Pester.Utility

* Revert move for Where-Failed

Has dependency on SafeCommands which are not available in Utility.
Only used by single P-test, consider inlining in testfile.
  • Loading branch information
fflaten authored Jul 1, 2024
1 parent e6b2c8c commit 6cefccf
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Showing 8 changed files with 67 additions and 480 deletions.
225 changes: 0 additions & 225 deletions src/Main.ps1
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Expand Up @@ -464,11 +464,6 @@ function Invoke-Pester {
This parameter is ignored in v5, and is only present for backwards compatibility
when migrating from v4.
Sets advanced options for the test execution. Enter a PesterOption object,
such as one that you create by using the New-PesterOption cmdlet, or a hash table
in which the keys are option names and the values are option values.
For more information on the options available, see the help for New-PesterOption.
(Deprecated v4)
The parameter Quiet is deprecated since Pester v4.0 and will be deleted
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,226 +1090,6 @@ function Convert-PesterLegacyParameterSet ($BoundParameters) {
return $Configuration

function New-PesterOption {
#TODO: move those options, right now I am just not exposing this function and added the testSuiteName
Creates an object that contains advanced options for Invoke-Pester
By using New-PesterOption you can set options what allow easier integration with external applications or
modifies output generated by Invoke-Pester.
The result of New-PesterOption need to be assigned to the parameter 'PesterOption' of the Invoke-Pester function.
.PARAMETER IncludeVSCodeMarker
When this switch is set, an extra line of output will be written to the console for test failures, making it easier
for VSCode's parser to provide highlighting / tooltips on the line where the error occurred.
.PARAMETER TestSuiteName
When generating NUnit XML output, this controls the name assigned to the root "test-suite" element. Defaults to "Pester".
.PARAMETER ScriptBlockFilter
Filters scriptblock based on the path and line number. This is intended for integration with external tools so we don't rely on names (strings) that can have expandable variables in them.
.PARAMETER Experimental
Enables experimental features of Pester to be enabled.
.PARAMETER ShowScopeHints
EXPERIMENTAL: Enables debugging output for debugging transitions among scopes. (Experimental flag needs to be used to enable this.)
You cannot pipe input to this command.
PS > $Options = New-PesterOption -TestSuiteName "Tests - Set A"
PS > Invoke-Pester -PesterOption $Options -Outputfile ".\Results-Set-A.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXML
The result of commands will be execution of tests and saving results of them in a NUnitMXL file where the root "test-suite"
will be named "Tests - Set A".
param (
[switch] $IncludeVSCodeMarker,

[string] $TestSuiteName = 'Pester',

[switch] $Experimental,

[switch] $ShowScopeHints,

[hashtable[]] $ScriptBlockFilter

# in PowerShell 2 Add-Member can attach properties only to
# PSObjects, I could work around this by capturing all instances
# in checking them during runtime, but that would bring a lot of
# object management problems - so let's just not allow this in PowerShell 2
if ($Experimental -and $ShowScopeHints) {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
throw "Scope hints cannot be used on PowerShell 2 due to limitations of Add-Member."

$script:DisableScopeHints = $false
else {
$script:DisableScopeHints = $true

return [PSCustomObject]@{
ReadMe = "New-PesterOption is deprecated and kept only for backwards compatibility when executing Pester v5 using the " +
"legacy parameter set. When the object is used with Invoke-Pester -PesterOption it will be ignored."
IncludeVSCodeMarker = [bool] $IncludeVSCodeMarker
TestSuiteName = $TestSuiteName
ShowScopeHints = $ShowScopeHints
Experimental = $Experimental
ScriptBlockFilter = $ScriptBlockFilter

function ResolveTestScripts {
param ([object[]] $Path)

$resolvedScriptInfo = @(
foreach ($object in $Path) {
if ($object -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
$unresolvedPath = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Path', 'p'
$script = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Script'
$arguments = @(Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Arguments', 'args', 'a')
$parameters = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Parameters', 'params'

if ($null -eq $Parameters) {
$Parameters = @{}

if ($unresolvedPath -isnot [string] -or $unresolvedPath -notmatch '\S' -and ($script -isnot [string] -or $script -notmatch '\S')) {
throw 'When passing hashtables to the -Path parameter, the Path key is mandatory, and must contain a single string.'

if ($null -ne $parameters -and $parameters -isnot [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
throw 'When passing hashtables to the -Path parameter, the Parameters key (if present) must be assigned an IDictionary object.'
else {
$unresolvedPath = [string] $object
$script = [string] $object
$arguments = @()
$parameters = @{}

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($unresolvedPath)) {
if ($unresolvedPath -notmatch '[\*\?\[\]]' -and
(& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -LiteralPath $unresolvedPath -PathType Leaf) -and
(& $script:SafeCommands['Get-Item'] -LiteralPath $unresolvedPath) -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($unresolvedPath)
if ($extension -ne '.ps1') {
& $script:SafeCommands['Write-Error'] "Script path '$unresolvedPath' is not a ps1 file."
else {
Path = $unresolvedPath
Script = $null
Arguments = $arguments
Parameters = $parameters
else {
# World's longest pipeline?

& $script:SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] -Path $unresolvedPath |
& $script:SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Provider.Name -eq 'FileSystem' } |
& $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty ProviderPath |
& $script:SafeCommands['Get-ChildItem'] -Include *.Tests.ps1 -Recurse |
& $script:SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
& $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty FullName -Unique |
& $script:SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] {
Path = $_
Script = $null
Arguments = $arguments
Parameters = $parameters
elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script)) {
Path = $null
Script = $script
Arguments = $arguments
Parameters = $parameters

# Here, we have the option of trying to weed out duplicate file paths that also contain identical
# Parameters / Arguments. However, we already make sure that each object in $Path didn't produce
# any duplicate file paths, and if the caller happens to pass in a set of parameters that produce
# dupes, maybe that's not our problem. For now, just return what we found.


function Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound {
param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dictionary, [object[]] $Key)

foreach ($keyToTry in $Key) {
if ($Dictionary.Contains($keyToTry)) {
return $Dictionary[$keyToTry]

function Set-PesterStatistics($Node) {
if ($null -eq $Node) {
$Node = $pester.TestActions

foreach ($action in $Node.Actions) {
if ($action.Type -eq 'TestGroup') {
Set-PesterStatistics -Node $action

$Node.TotalCount += $action.TotalCount
$Node.PassedCount += $action.PassedCount
$Node.FailedCount += $action.FailedCount
$Node.SkippedCount += $action.SkippedCount
$Node.InconclusiveCount += $action.InconclusiveCount
elseif ($action.Type -eq 'TestCase') {

switch ($action.Result) {
Passed {
$Node.PassedCount++; break;
Failed {
$Node.FailedCount++; break;
Skipped {
$Node.SkippedCount++; break;
Inconclusive {
$Node.InconclusiveCount++; break;

function Contain-AnyStringLike ($Filter, $Collection) {
foreach ($item in $Collection) {
foreach ($value in $Filter) {
if ($item -like $value) {
return $true
return $false

function ConvertTo-Pester4Result {
Expand Down

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