The following manual aims to provide an overview on necessary steps to be taken to adjust the CAPI/CATI questionnaire template script of the SDG16 Survey Module using Survey Solutions and its Designer web application.
This, as a minimum, usually entails revising the cover page and its identifying questions as well as adapting specific questions or categorical answer options to the local context. The paper source questionnaire “SDG16 Survey-based Indicators Questionnaire” as well as the sections that describe the questionnaire modules in the Implementation Manual highlight all items that need to be considered and should be the main reference point for contextualization of questions and answer options itself.
Please note that the following guideline does not provide an introduction or training on the use of the Designer itself. Instead, some experience and a basic understanding of the Designer and its capabilities is assumed.
Nevertheless, if you are new to Survey Solutions, please find a list of useful links below that are relevant to the SDG16 module script. They might help you in getting an overview on the functionalities of the Designer to be able to adjust the template script.
Click for useful links to get started with Survey Solutions Designer
The following links are a selection of the extensive documentation provided by the Survey Solutions team at https://docs.mysurvey.solutions/
- Registration and Signing In
- Questionnaire Designer Homepage
- Questionnaire Edit Screen
- Sharing a questionnaire
- Questionnaire Settings
- Questionnaire variable
- Find and Replace
- Compile
- Compile errors
- Comments in Designer
- Questionnaire Components
- Create and Modify Components
- General Component Properties
- Variable names
- Special Section: Cover Page
- Static Text
Before this questionnaire template will be made publicly available after the pilot stage, you need to share your Survey Solutions credentials with the person who is the owner of the Survey Solutions script of the SDG16 module to get access to the script itself. As of January 2022, kindly approach Peter Brueckmann.
If you are not registered yet, please follow the steps described here.
After you have received a questionnaire sharing notification in your mail, log in at https://designer.mysurvey.solutions
On your Questionnaire Designer Homepage, click on the Tab “Questionnaires shared with me” at the top. The SDG16 module questionnaire template should be displayed there.
Click on the name of the questionnaire to access the questionnaire script itself.
Please note, you will only receive “view” access. This means that you will be able to view and test the questionnaire content, but not be able to modify nor share the template itself. To work on your own questionnaire, you will need to create a copy. See below.
You will need to create your own copy of the questionnaire to make use of all Survey Solutions capabilities and to use the template for your own project.
To do so,
- Click on the “Questionnaires shared with me” tab on your Questionnaire Designer Homepage
- Click on the Action menu to the right of the questionnaire you would like to make a copy of
- Select copy from the menu
- Enter a name of the questionnaire of your preference. It may be in any language and contain multiple words, though it is still a good idea to keep it short. Please note: This name will be visible to interviewers, so keep it intuitive. You can also change the questionnaire name at any point (see below)
- Click on COPY
Once you copied the template, you will be redirected to the script itself. As a first step, users are advised to adjust the questionnaire settings. See here for a detailed description on how to access and adjust the settings.
Most importantly, users should rename the questionnaire variable following requirements for variable names.
You can also use the settings interface to share your questionnaire with colleagues.
You can build upon this copy of the template to develop your own country/project specific SDG16 questionnaire.
While incorporating changes to question texts or instructions seem trivial to be adjusted in the CAPI/CATI script, it might also imply updating particular enabling or validation conditions. The following sub-sections will highlight issues that users need to look out for.
Please note: Especially if Survey Solutions Designer users are not involved in the adaption of the SDG16 module template, team members are advised to keep track on the changes made, e.g. through the Word Track Change feature, so that they can be reflected in the CAPI/CATI script as well.
In the following, questions are referred to using the variable names as used in the Survey Solutions Designer, which only in few cases deviates from the paper source questionnaire.
Both throughout the paper-based source questionnaire as well as Survey Solutions CAPI/CATI template, various placeholders have been included to allow for a simple adjustment of the questionnaire content to a country-specific context.
Within the Survey Solutions script, these placeholders are indicated through [!!!NAME OF THE PLACEHOLDER!!!]. Using the Find and Replace feature and the respective unique names of the placeholder will allow to adjust reoccurring text objects swiftly.
Please find below a list of placeholders that reocurr multiple times. Users are advised to Find and Replace those at the beginning of the adaption process. Additional placeholders which are less frequent will be mentioned in the section specific hints
Click to see the list of placeholders
This text item is to be used across the questionnaire in various question texts as well as interviewer instructions. This includes the Introduction Text, SCR1, EPE1 or PHV0, among others. Replace it with the respective country name in which the questionnaire is to be used. Discuss with your team which notation to use.
For example, for a project in the United Republic of Tanzania, one could find “[!!!INSERTCOUNTRY!!!]” and replace with “Tanzania”. Please note: Questionsd5_b
make use of combo boxes of which some categorical answer options include placeholder “[!!!INSERTCOUNTRY!!!]”. They can not be changed through Find and Replace. Instead, manually download the list of categories, update the file using any text editor and re-upload again to the Designer. -
Similar to placeholder above, denotes the applicable nationality (e.g. at D5). Based on the Tanzania example one could find “[!!!INSERT COUNTRY NATIONALITY!!!]” and replace with “Tanzanian” -
Denotes the currency in which interviewer/respondents should report values, e.g. used at question D4. Replace with the short form of a countries currency.
By default, Survey Solutions automatically exports the question text as its variable label. Therefore, the large majority of questions in the SDG16 module template are not labeled. This usually facilitates data analysis if end-users can see the question text itself in the data.
It is up to the user to provide other specific labels which will be associated to the variable name when exporting the data to a statistical software package.
Contrary to other data collection software, in Survey Solutions any question may be left unanswered for reasons beyond the control of the questionnaire designer. That is, there are no “mandatory/required” questions in the Survey Solutions SDG16 CAPI template script.
Data quality systems during fieldwork need to account for this and should monitor the frequency of unanswered questions which can not be explained by interviewers (e.g through comments).
In addition, to highlight such unanswered questions during the interview process itself, a red warning text is rendered at the end of each section in case any unanswered questions remain in the respective section (calculated using a variable with expression using section functions):
<font color="red">
Consider to rephrase these warnings based on the survey project protocol. Further, in case you add sections, it is recommended to add the warnings and variables accordingly.
The SDG16 Pilot CAPI template is developed in English and could be administered immediately. However, in contexts where respondents of a survey speak a (or multiple) different languages, one can include those in an easy manner using the Survey Solutions software.
To this end, users need to use a dedicated excel file produced by the Survey Solutions Designer, include the translation and upload the file accordingly.
Users are advised to carefully read the instructions on multilingual questionnaires. In addition, please find below some instructions for translators.
Click for detailed instructions for Translators
- The CAPI Designer should provide the translators with a single Excel file produced by the Survey Solutions Designer template.
- Translators must not rename the spreadsheet and must not convert to any other file format.
The most important columns in the excel template:
Variable - Indicating the variable name of a question as in the Questionnaire Designer, which in most cases aligns with the question coding in paper version of SDG16 template.
Type - Indicates which type of text item the respective row reflects. This includes
- Title - Question Text itself or titles of Sections
- Optiontitle - The categorical answer options at a question
- Instruction - Instructions displayed to interviewers below a question text
- Validation Message - messages flagged if a response triggers an inconsistency
- Special Values - Similar to Optiontitle, those are options interviewers can select at numeric questions
Index - Indicates the optioncode of a particular OptionTitle and usually should align with the paper-based source questionnaire
Original text - This column contains the text for which a translation can be entered. Depending on the type of text item (see column Type), it is either a question text, answer option, instruction etc.
Translation - Column in which the translation needs to be inserted
All sheets within the excel file are to be translated. Sheets starting with
are categories that appear multiple times throughout the questionnaire. -
If the translator can’t or don’t need to translate the original text for any reason, the cell in column Translation should be left blank
One must not modify any other text/cells anywhere else in the spreadsheet, even if there is a typo in the original text (feel free to notify the Designer about any discovered typos or problems, but not in this file)
If there are more than one translations to be used (e.g. Russian and Kazakh), translators need to create a separate excel file. Do NOT include the separate translations into the same file, e.g. in a different column.
To improve the enumerators experience, the CAPI script makes use of dynamic text substitution. Text substitutions render interview specific information, which includes the answer to a question collected earlier or a dynamic reference period, within question texts, instructions or validation conditions denoted with an identifier enclosed in percentage signs.
It is very important to include these text substitution when a new language is transferred to the excel spreadsheet. It must be ensured that there is no typo or white space within the enclosed percentage signs. Further, any text within the enclosed percentage signs must NOT be translated.
SCR1. Please let me know if you have permanently lived in Kazakhstan for the past 12 months (since %myoi_minus1%) or not?
That is, translators need to include the %myoi_minus1%
item into the
translation itself! For a Russian translation it would be similar to:
Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если вы постоянно проживали в Казахстане в течение последних 12 месяцев(с %myoi_minus1% года)или нет?
Based on the paper-based source questionnaire, important text items sometimes need to be highlighted, e.g. through underlining or writing something in bold. In addition, paragraphs added on paper will help the enumerator to read out complex/long text more easily.
In Survey Solutions, as in other software, this is achieved through
html-tags (e.g. <u>TEXT</u>
for underlining). These html-tags needs to
be included in the translation and not to be distorted!
Example: D8.A. Do you have difficulty…seeing, even if wearing glasses?
CAPI Designer:
D8.A. Do you have difficulty...<u>seeing, even if wearing glasses</u>?
D8.A. Испытываете ли вы трудности со <u>зрением, даже если вы носите очки</u>?
Cover Page
The Cover Page is a distinct feature within the Survey Solutions application and will require substantial revision by the user.
To get an understanding of this feature, users are advised to read the documentation on the Special Section: Cover Page as well as the Question Scope: Identifying. As the documentation states, the cover page may contain some of the information that is present on an actual cover page of a paper prototype and may also contain other information.
In regular survey scenarios, the content of the Cover Page is related to the Survey Solutions Workflow, in particular the idea and use of Assignments. Users are advised to discuss closely with their colleagues who will prepare and maintain the pre-determined sample, if it exists, since the variable names of the Questions on the Cover Page need to match the variable names used during uploading of assignments.
The template lists three exemplary Text Questions that can be used to denote specific administrative levels. Users can delete those and or add additional (types) of questions.
Introduction (INT)
urb (Level of urbanisation)
This question has question scope HIDDEN in the template and is therefore destined to be pre-filled during creation of assignments. Decide if you want to change the question scope to Interviewer or Supervisor. You could also discuss to delete this question from the interview script itself and rather create it during data analysis. -
This Date question aims to capture current date and time when interviewer are starting the interview. Based on the value/answer of this question, Survey Solutions will render dynamically various reference periods across the questionnaire using text substitution.
Those reference periods are stored in the following variables which are placed into the Introduction (INT) section:yoi
- Year of Interview (e.g. “2021”)yoi_minus2
- Year of Interview minus 2 years (e.g. “2019”)yoi_minus5
- Year of Interview minus 5 years (e.g. “2016”)myoi_minus1
- Month and Year of Interview minus 1 year (e.g “August 2020”)
Since it is important to capture an answer to
, the current template contains a static text which is displayed until an answer is recorded. Interviewers will not be displayed the consent form and consent question until then. Adjust the respective enabling conditions if deemed necessary. -
INT1/Consent Form
The Introduction Text / Consent Form is stored in a static text. Users are advised to revise it substantially according to local protocols and best practices! For example, delete/revise the existing placeholders, e.g. the approximate amount of minutes needed for the interview. -
The consent is obtained through a simple Yes/No question. You can consider to obtain verbally recorded consent through the use of question type Audio or written consent using the Picture question along with its signature capture feature.
Users are advised to consider to add questions or static texts if respondents refuse to provide consent (consent==2
). This often implies displaying instructions in static texts to interviewers that provide information on how to proceed, e.g. completing the interview and informing their supervisor, or asking the interviewer for reasons of refusal usingt text questions.
Socio-demographic variables
Validation condition 3: Checks if respondent is younger than 18 years. Adjust if you include younger respondents in your sample. -
- Category Titles should be mapped to nationally relevant types of education levels
- Consider to add validation conditions based on age reported in
Add “intersex” only if country allows intersex as a third gender on birth certificates -
Adjust placeholder [!!!INSERTCOUNTRY!!!] -
d4_b and d4_d
Makes use of combo box. Uses list of all countries along with ISO 3166‑1 code. Download and adjust in case changes are necessary. -
d5_b, d5_c and d5_d Attention! Adjust the placeholder [!!!INSERTCOUNTRY!!!] in the combo box: Download existing file, open the file using any text editor, replace the placeholder, save and upload new file to Designer.
Adjust placeholder [!!!INSERTCOUNTRY!!!] -
Update category titles that are usually used to clarify ethnic / racial background -
Update category titles with nationally relevant denominations -
Update category titles based on national household level income statistics -
d14 (Proxy Respondent)
Consider to add instructions based on the protocol that you define for proxy respondents. Such instructions could for example be displayed using a Static Text that is enabled ifd12==2
.Please note: If you will not allow for proxy respondents, i.e. the interview shall be completed if
, you’d need to update all enabling conditions for all subsequent sections to//Ask this section only if consent has been given and respondent answering him/herself consent==1 && d12==1
General screeners (SCR)
This section contains several questions that are referenced throughout the questionnaire. If questions are dropped, carefully revise if this has consequences in subsequent sections.
- Variable ips
This variable is a dummy that takes values “1” and “0”. It resembles the family intimate partner status. According to the paper source questionnaire, it takes value 1 if any response to questionsrc3_a
is “Yes”. The expression makes use of the C# conditional expression operator. Carefully revise the expression if any ofsrc3_a
are dropped or revised.
cv4_a and cv4_b
Adjust category title for category value 1 based on election cycle in country. -
cv4_a Amend to “legislative and presidential national elections” if this is ambiguous
cv4_b Adapt to the nationally used term for municipal elections in the local translation
Introduction text for sub-section Last experience of public services (SPS)
Adjust placeholder[!!!PUBLICHEALTHCLINIC!!!]
sps_e1 Revise age range (5-18 years old) with the appropriate age range spanning primary and secondary education in the country
sps_g1, sps_g3, sps_g5, sps_g6
Government-issued identification documents need to be tailored to national context. If additional documents are listed, a new question for SPS.G3 needs to be added, e.g.sps_g3_f
. In addition, include the respective document to the list of categorical answers atsps_g6
. -
Replace ‘civil registration services or other relevant agencies’ with the name of the particular agency(ies) responsible for issuing such identification documents in the country
If questions are added or removed from list of questionscr1_a
, adjust the expression of the enabling condition for this static text accordingly. For example, if you removecr1_o
, revise expression toCountValue(1,cr1_a,cr1_b,cr1_c,cr1_d,cr1_e,cr1_f,cr1_g,cr1_h,cr1_i,cr1_j,cr1_k,cr1_l,cr1_m,cr1_n)>0
Following the source questionnaire, one needs to randomly select a type of official for which bribery has occurred in the past 12 months (YES responses tocr2_*
). To allow for two ore more translations as well the constraint to not make use of Rosters, the template CAPI script follows a non-standard way of randomization using Survey Solutions. The following items describe aspects one needs to consider when adjusting the template.
Please note: Users are advised to adjust this section extra carefully.-
cr2_a - cr2_o
To uniquely identify the YES responses to the set of categorical single-select questionscr2_a
, the respective category values for category title “Yes” need to be unique across the questions.cr_2a
starts with101
and so forth. Double check the response codes of all questions if you add or delete a type of official from this set of questionscr2_a
Attention: You need to use codes 100 or above for YES responses to have variableCR2_SUM
correctly calculating the number of YES responses. -
This variable sums up the number of YES responses to questionscr2_*
. It reflects the number of domains where bribery has occurred in the past 12 months. If a new type of official is added and therefore a new question for CR2. introduced, e.g.cr2_p
, this newly added question needs to be included to the expression atCR2_SUM
. The same applies vice versa, i.e. if any ofcr2_a
are removed, remove it from the expression atCR2_SUM
. -
This variable randomly selects the category value from the list of YES responses to questionscr2_*
. For example, ifcr2_n
was among the list of yes responses and has been randomly selected, the variable will store the code114
. Similar toCR2_SUM
, add or remove questions from the expression as necessary.
Attention: You must keep the “Do not export” checkbox unticked, as this variable will need to be available in the data after export to draw conclusions on which type of official has been randomly selected. -
To display the selected type of official in subsequent instructions in at least one language,CR2_SEL
is used. To this end, the conditional expression operator is used. Adjust the list of type of officials along with their respective code. The value is again based on the code of “YES” responses fromcr2_a
Attention: Carefully double check that all conditions in the expression match the respective type of official E.g. if you rephrasecr2_l
and use a different code, e.g. change from112
, adjust the expression accordingly:[....] CR2_SEL_code==111 ? "Public utility officials or inspectors (electricity, water, sanitation, etc.)" : CR2_SEL_code==138 ? "X/Y/Z Type of public official" : CR2_SEL_code==113 ? "Car registration or driving licence agency officials" : [....]
Translation: If you are using a translation in addition to the English Original Text, you will need to manually replace the English elements in the string array at
with the respective translations of the type of officials. If there are more than one translations to be used, unfortunately, you’d need to decide which main language should be used since only one language can be defined here. -
Static Texts of type of officials
There are 15 separate static texts placed beforecr4_a
that contain the respective type of officials. Each static text is enabled if the respective type of official has been randomly selected atCR2_SEL_code
. As before, users need to adjust the content and/or enabling conditions of these static texts if changes tocr2_a
are introduced.
Purpose: These static texts will also be included in the questionnaire template in excel format for translation. The aim is therefore to display the type of officials at least once in any language/translation if users need 2 or more translations, which is not possible atCR2_SEL
. Since one can not use static texts for substitution,CR2_SEL
is used to substitute the randomly selected type of officials in interviewer instructions at subsequent questions.
Adjust category titles to local currency unit with “natural” bands of similar worth to these USD values. -
Adjust category titles of category values 2 and 3 based on names of respective national institutions. Additional institutions may be added for codes 04-07, where applicable. -
Similar toCR2_INTRO
, if questions are added or removed from list of questionscr1_a
, this revision needs to be incorporated into the enabling condition ofcr10
. For example, if you removecr1_o
, revise expression toCountValue(1,cr1_a,cr1_b,cr1_c,cr1_d,cr1_e,cr1_f,cr1_g,cr1_h,cr1_i,cr1_j,cr1_k,cr1_l,cr1_m,cr1_n)>0
Discrimination (DS)
- ds3 and ds4 Adjust the enabling condition if you add or
remove any question to/from the set of questions
. Needs to be ensured that any ‘YES’ response of discrimination in past 12 months is captured
Access to Justice (AJ)
Introduction Static Text
Substitute placeholder [!!!EVENT OF NATIONAL RELEVANCE THAT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE!!!] accordingly to country context -
Revise examples in question text if necessary: Lack of access to water and electricity to be added only if state managed. -
Following the source questionnaire, one needs to randomly select a dispute which has occured in the past 12 months (YES responses toaj1_*
). To allow for two ore more translations as well the constraint to not make use of Rosters, the template CAPI script follows a non-standard way of randomization using Survey Solutions. The following items describe aspects one needs to consider when adjusting the template.
Please note: Users are advised to adjust this section extra carefully.-
aj_a - aj1_k
To uniquely identify the YES responses to the set of categorical single-select questionsaj_a
, the respective category values for category title “Yes” need to be unique across the questions.aj1_a
starts with101
and so forth. Double check the response codes of all questions if you add or delete a type of dispute from this set of questionsaj1_a
Attention: You need to use codes 100 or above for YES responses to have variableAJ_SUM
correctly calculating the number of YES responses. -
This variable sums up the number of YES responses to questionsaj1_*
. It reflects the number of types of disputes that the respondend experienced in the past 12 months. If a new type of dispute is added and therefore a new question for AJ1 introduced, e.g.aj1_m
, this newly added question needs to be included to the expression atAJ_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofaj_a
are removed, remove the respective variable from the expression atAJ_SUM
. -
This variable randomly selects the category value from the list of YES responses to questionsaj1_*
. For example, ifaj_g
was among the list of yes responses and has been randomly selected by the software through expression at this variableAJ1_SEL_code
, the variable will store the code107
. Similar toAJ_SUM
, add or remove questions from the expression as necessary.
Attention: You must keep the “Do not export” checkbox unticked, as this variable will need to be available in the data after export to draw conclusions on which type of official has been randomly selected. -
To display the selected type of dispute in subsequent instructions in at least one language,AJ1_SEL
is used. To this end, the conditional expression operator is used. Adjust the list of disputes along with their respective code. The value is again based on the code of “YES” responses fromaj_a
Attention: Carefully double check that all conditions in the expression match the respective dispute. E.g. if you rephraseaj1_e
and use a different code, e.g. change from105
, adjust the expression accordingly:[....] AJ1_SEL_code==104 ? "Seeking compensation for INJURIES OR ILLNESS": AJ1_SEL_code==134 ? "XYZ TYPE OF DISPUTE": AJ1_SEL_code==106 ? "Problems with GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS": [....]
Translation: If you are using a translation in addition to the English Original Text, you will need to manually replace the English elements in the string array at
with the respective translations of the type of dispute If there are more than one translations to be used, unfortunately, you’d need to decide which main language should be used since only one language can be defined here. -
Static Texts of type of disputes
There are 11 separate static texts placed beforeaj3
that contain the respective type of dispute. Each static text is enabled if the respective type of dispute has been randomly selected atAJ1_SEL_code
. As before, users need to adjust the content and/or enabling conditions of these static texts if changes toaj1_a
are introduced.
Purpose: These static texts will also be included in the questionnaire template in excel format for translation. The aim is therefore to display the type of dispute at least once in any language/translation if users need 2 or more translations, which is not possible atAJ1_SEL
. Since one can not use static texts for substitution,AJ1_SEL
is used to substitute the randomly selected type of officials in interviewer instructions at subsequent questions.
Adjust enabling condition ofaj5
in case any of the dispute questionsaj4_a
are removed or added. For example, if a questionaj4_i
is added, add it to theCountValue
expression and adjust the right side of the expression:``` CountValue(2,aj4_a,aj4_b,aj4_c,aj4_d,aj4_e,aj4_f,aj4_g,aj4_h,aj4_i,aj4_x)==10 ```
Physical violence (PHV)
If incidents are added to the list of PHV incidents during past 12 months, e.g. new questionphv2_m
, include it in the expression ofPHV_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofphv2_a-x
is removed, remove it from the expression at this variable. -
Similar toPHV_SUM
, if you add or remove any incident from the list ofphv*_a
, atphv5
you need to:-
Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
is removed, delete category value 7 with title “Beat you with their fist or a hard object, or kicked you” -
Revise the filter expression. By default, the filter ensures that only incidents are displayed to the enumerator which actually took place in the past 12 months (based on
). If you add a question, e.g.phv2_m
and the category value of this new category atphv5
is 14, revise the expression to[....] phv2_l==1 && @optioncode==12 || phv2_x==1 && @optioncode==13 || phv2_m==1 && @optioncode==14 || @optioncode>=98
Adjust categorical titles to match authorities in country. Use code 13-19 for formal competent authorities, use code 21+ for informal authorities
Sexual violence (SEV) and Sexual Harassment (SHAR)
Sexual Harassment (SHAR)
If incidents are added to the list of SHAR incidents during past 12 months, e.g. new questionshar2_h
, include it in the expression ofSHAR_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofshar2_a-g
is removed, remove it from the expression at this variable.- shar5
Similar toSHAR_SUM
, if you add or remove any incident from the list ofshar*_a
, atshar5
you need to:-
Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
is removed, delete category value 3 with title “Unwanted MESSAGES, E-MAILS, CALLS OF A SEXUAL NATURE that offended you” -
Revise the filter expression. By default, the filter ensures that only incidents are displayed to the enumerator which actually took place in the past 12 months (based on
). If you add a question, e.g.shar2_h
and the category value of this new category atshar5
is 8, revise the expression to[....] shar2_f==1 && @optioncode==6 || shar2_g==1 && @optioncode==7 || shar2_h==1 && @optioncode==8 || @optioncode>=98
- vr2
Adjust categorical titles to match authorities in country. Use code 13-19 for formal competent authorities, use code 21+ for informal authorities
Sexual violence (SEV)
If incidents are added to the list of SEV incidents during past 12 months, e.g. new questionsev2_i
, include it in the expression ofSEV_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofsev2_a-h
is removed, remove it from the expression at this variable. -
Similar toSEV_SUM
, if you add or remove any incident from the list ofsev*_a
, atsev5
you need to:-
Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
is removed, delete category value 3 with title “Someone MADE YOU HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE when YOU COULD NOT REFUSE owing to the influence of alcohol or drugs” -
Revise the filter expression. By default, the filter ensures that only incidents are displayed to the enumerator which actually took place in the past 12 months (based on
). If you add a question, e.g.sev2_i
and the category value of this new category atsev5
is 9, revise the expression to[....] sev2_g==1 && @optioncode==7 || sev2_h==1 && @optioncode==8 || sev2_i==1 && @optioncode==9 || @optioncode>=98
Adjust categorical titles to match authorities in country. Use code 13-19 for formal competent authorities, use code 21+ for informal authorities
- shar5
Psychological violence (PSV) and Non-sexual Harassment (PHAR)
Non-sexual Harassment (PHAR)
If incidents are added to the list of PHAR incidents during past 12 months, e.g. new questionphar2_f
, include it in the expression ofPHAR_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofphar2_a-e
is removed, remove it from the expression at this variable. -
Similar toPHAR_SUM
, if you add or remove any incident from the list ofphar*_a
, atphar5
you need to:- Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
is removed, delete category value 3 with title “Somebody made OFFENSIVE OR THREATENING GESTURES to demean, insult or humiliate you” - Revise the filter expression. By default, the filter ensures
that only incidents are displayed to the enumerator which
actually took place in the past 12 months (based on
). If you add a question, e.g.phar2_f
and the category value of this new category atphar5
is 6, revise the expression to
- Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
phar2_d==1 && @optioncode==4 ||
phar2_e==1 && @optioncode==5 ||
phar2_f==1 && @optioncode==6 ||
- vr4
Adjust categorical titles to match authorities in country. Use code 13-19 for formal competent authorities, use code 21+ for informal authorities
Psychological violence (PSV)
If incidents are added to the list of PSV incidents during past 12 months, e.g. new questionpsv2_k
, include it in the expression ofPSV_SUM
. Vice versa, if any ofpsv2_a-j
is removed, remove it from the expression at this variable. -
Similar toPSV_SUM
, if you add or remove any incident from the list ofpsv*_a
, atpsv5
you need to:- Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
is removed, delete category value 3 with title “Family member or intimate partner EXPECTED YOU TO ASK PERMISSION TO SEE A DOCTOR” - Revise the filter expression. By default, the filter ensures
that only incidents are displayed to the enumerator which
actually took place in the past 12 months (based on
). If you add a question, e.g.psv2_k
and the category value of this new category atpsv5
is 11, revise the expression to
- Adjust the list of categorical options. For example, if
psv2_i==1 && @optioncode==9 ||
psv2_j==1 && @optioncode==10 ||
psv2_k==1 && @optioncode==11 ||
- vr5
Adjust categorical titles to match authorities in country. Use code 13-19 for formal competent authorities, use code 21+ for informal authorities
Trafficking in persons for forced labour (TIP)
If any questions are added or removed from the list of questions fortip_1a-tip1_g
, adjust the expression of enabling condition attip_5
accordingly -
These variables indicate if the respondent was victim of trafficking for forced labor in the past 12 months / 3 years. Similar totip_5
: Carefully revise the expression at these variables in case questions are added or removed within this module. The conditional expression is based on the source questionnaire.
To further ensure no questions are left unanswered by mistake, this section is enabled in case any of the previous sections contain any unanswered questions. A list of static texts is displayed that contain a hyperlink to the respective section to facilitate locating these ‘blank’ questions.
Enabling condition
Adjust the enabling condition in case you add or remove any section compared to the template script. -
Static Texts
Add or remove any of the existing static texts within that section. For example, in case you add a section “Household Assets”, assign this section the variable namesec_assets
to that section. Add within section “UNANSWERED QUESTIONS REMAINING” a static text that is enabled if!IsSectionAnswered(sec_assets)
Please report any issues with the manual or the Survey Soltuions SDG16 CAPI template script.
No responsibility or liability for the correct functionality of the CAPI script nor the completeness of this manual is taken!