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Covid-19 Contact Tracing DSP Solution

Master Project Distributed System, TU Berlin WiSe 2020/21


Create a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud

The following commands assume that a project has been created in GCP and gcloud has been configured for use.

Deploy a 3 node Kubernetes cluster with the e2-standard-4 machine-type with:

gcloud container clusters create mpds-cluster --num-nodes=3  \
  --image-type "UBUNTU" --no-enable-basic-auth  --no-enable-autoupgrade \
  --cluster-version "1.16.15-gke.4300" --machine-type e2-standard-4

After the Kubernetes cluster has been created, configure kubectl with:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials mpds-cluster

To access the Kubernetes cluster from a browser, open up the firewall with:

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nodeports \
  --allow tcp --source-ranges=

Create a hadoop cluster in your region for HDFS with:

gcloud dataproc clusters create hadoop --region=europe-west3

Deploy infrastructure with Helm charts

Kafka, Flink, Redis, Prometheus, and Grafana can be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm charts located in the helm-charts directory. Configure which charts to deploy in the global values.yaml by setting enabled: true for each desired technology. Cluster sizes and ports for external access can also be specified here.

Each subchart can be deployed by itself and contains its own values.yaml file with futher configurations. If deployed from the umbrella chart, values in the global values.yaml will overwrite the values in the subchart's values.yaml.

Deploy the charts with:


Uninstall the charts with:

helm uninstall [DEPLOYMENT NAME]

Viewing metrics in Grafana

Grafana is accessible at <kubernetes_node_ip>:. The default nodeport is 30080 and the default username and password is admin

After logging into Grafana, the data source must be added. Navigate to: Configuration > Data Sources > Add data source > Prometheus Set the Url to prometheus:9090 and click save and test. You should see a green notification that the data source is working.

To import the premade grafana dashboard to show metrics, navigate to: Create > Import > Upload JSON file Upload the grafana-dashboard.json file from the root directory.

Flink DSP Engine


Master Project Distributed System







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