Packer script to build vagrant Fedora33 VM box using Parallels provider to run on Mac M1 ARM.
- Parallels beta for Mac M1 ARM
- Fedora 33 desktop for ARM architecture or pick another from
- homebrew
- git installed using homebrew
- packer installed using homebrew
- vagrant installed using homebrew
Packer script based on [email protected]:boxcutter/fedora
The normal packer will fail in Parallels when prlctl thinks the .ISO is for x86_64 rather than ARM architecture. See "The images are indeed currently misdetected as x86. Therefore, manual installation is required."
So instead I made a Parallels PVM with the yum upgrade done, parallels tools installed and the initial steps from their packer scripts done manually. The packer build can then be done from the PVM instead
From Mac
- Install homebrew
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install git
$ brew install git
- Install packer
$ brew install packer
- Install vagrant
$ brew install vagrant
- Install Parallels beta for Mac M1 (download link above)
- Create a VM manually from ISO Fedora-Workstation-Live-aarch64-33-1.2.iso to create /Users/peter/dev/box-parallels-pvm/Fedora Linux Base.pvm (download link for ISO above).
- I followed the first steps in the boxcutter/fedora scripts manually - see below details. It's also problematic getting the parallels tools installed using the packer script, so I mounted them from the UI and installed from shell manually.
- I hit an issue in Fedora 33 not allowing ssh-rsa public keys which stopped the vagrant insecure key working and to fix this added a line to to append ,ssh-rsa to the PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes line in /etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/opensshserver.config inside the Fedora VM.
Download ISO to ~/Downloads
Run Parallels beta
Create VM named "Fedora Linux Base"
Pick the Fedora ISO
Do installation
In initial setup create user vagrant password vagrant
login as vagrant
$ sudo bash
# echo "UseDNS no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# echo "GSSAPIAuthentication no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# dnf -y upgrade
# reboot
wait then login again as vagrant and become root
$ sudo bash
# yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc make perl dkms selinux-policy-devel
# eject
in Parallels for the VM Devices go to CD-ROM and unmount Fedora ISO
# reboot
In Parallels do the Mount Install Parallels Tools or under Devices/CD select its ISO, then from shell as root
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
# cd /mnt
# ./install
press TAB and RETURN etc. until installed then reboot
shutdown the VM
In Parallels Control Panel right click "Remove Fedora Linux Base" but keep the files.
From Mac move the Parallel VM directory - not sure this step was necessary. I did this to avoid collision with Parallels saying the vagrant VM is a duplicate.
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/box-parallels-pvm
$ mv ~/Parallels/Fedora\ Linux\ Base.pvm ~/dev/box-parallels-pvm/
From Mac
$ cd ~/dev
$ git clone [email protected]:peterdragon/packer-M1-parallels-fedora33.git
$ cd packer-M1-parallels-fedora33
$ packer build vagrant.json
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> parallels-pvm: 'parallels' provider box: box/parallels/
created ~/dev/box-parallels-pvm/box/parallels/
From Mac
$ brew install vagrant
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
$ vagrant box add ~/dev/box-parallels-pvm/box/parallels/ --name 'fedora33-ws'
From Mac
$ mkdir ~/dev/box-fedora33-ws
$ cd ~/dev/box-fedora33-ws
$ vagrant init
edit the Vagrantfile and add provider section
config.vm.provider "parallels" do |prl| = "fedora"
prl.check_guest_tools = false
$ vagrant up
The virtual machine boots and vagrant sets a new ssh key the first time.
to log into the box
$ vagrant ssh
to shutdown the box
$ vagrant halt