lines of R code: 397, lines of test code: 50
Youtube video of Hamburg UseR Meetup presentation
Development version
0.3.6 - 2019-01-18 / 20:55:43
Generate crosswords from a list of words.
Peter Meissner
BibTex for citing
Stable version from CRAN:
Latest development version from Github:
Help wanted
- word-clue lists to accompany the package (like the one used throughout the examples below)
- grid placement algorithm improvements
- make denser grids,
- allow for space between non-overlapping words (#8),
- allow for alternative algorithms,
- make it faster,
- make it auto-optimize
- make more exports
- PDF (see for some first tests, also: #7)
- HTML/JS (see
# load the library
# set seed for pseudo random number generator
# create a new 4 by 4 crossword
cw <- Crossword$new(rows = 10, columns = 10)
cw_words <- cw_wordlist_animal_en[sample(nrow(cw_wordlist_animal_en)),]
words = cw_words$words,
clues = cw_words$clues
# use the default print method to have a look
## . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
## . # # # # # # # # # # # #
## 1 # E E L # . # B . # S #
## 2 # T E R M I T E # G K #
## 3 # H A R E # O E W I U #
## 4 # O X # . G R # O R N #
## 5 # . . # A N T # M A K #
## 6 # F L Y # U O B B F # #
## 7 # # F O X # I A A F # #
## 8 # D U C K # S T T E D #
## 9 # # S N A K E # # # O #
## 0 # C O D # . # F R O G #
## 1 # # # # # # # # # # # #
# access to letters on the grid
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## [1,] "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#"
## [2,] "#" "E" "E" "L" "#" "." "#" "B" "." "#" "S" "#"
## [3,] "#" "T" "E" "R" "M" "I" "T" "E" "#" "G" "K" "#"
## [4,] "#" "H" "A" "R" "E" "#" "O" "E" "W" "I" "U" "#"
## [5,] "#" "O" "X" "#" "." "G" "R" "#" "O" "R" "N" "#"
## [6,] "#" "." "." "#" "A" "N" "T" "#" "M" "A" "K" "#"
## [7,] "#" "F" "L" "Y" "#" "U" "O" "B" "B" "F" "#" "#"
## [8,] "#" "#" "F" "O" "X" "#" "I" "A" "A" "F" "#" "#"
## [9,] "#" "D" "U" "C" "K" "#" "S" "T" "T" "E" "D" "#"
## [10,] "#" "#" "S" "N" "A" "K" "E" "#" "#" "#" "O" "#"
## [11,] "#" "C" "O" "D" "#" "." "#" "F" "R" "O" "G" "#"
## [12,] "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#"
# access to words placed on the grid, their co-ordinates and so on
## row col length direction word
## 1 10 1 3 right COD
## 2 1 10 5 down SKUNK
## 3 1 1 3 right EEL
## 4 2 1 7 right TERMITE
## 5 2 6 8 down TORTOISE
## 6 5 4 3 right ANT
## 7 2 9 7 down GIRAFFE
## 8 9 2 5 right SNAKE
## 9 4 5 3 down GNU
## 10 3 8 6 down WOMBAT
## 11 8 1 4 right DUCK
## 12 3 1 4 right HARE
## 13 10 7 4 right FROG
## 14 1 7 3 down BEE
## 15 4 1 2 right OX
## 16 6 1 3 right FLY
## 17 7 2 3 right FOX
## 18 6 7 3 down BAT
## 19 8 10 3 down DOG
## clue
## 1 Popular food fish with a mild flavour and a dense, flaky, white flesh.
## 2 Animals known for its ability to spray strong unpleasant liquid
## 3 Elongated fish
## 4 Living in colonies
## 5 Armored reptile
## 6 Small with mandibles and antenna
## 7 One of the big africans
## 8 Elongated, legless, carnivorous reptile
## 9 Also a licence
## 10 Australian burrow digger
## 11 Water bird
## 12 Fast runner with long ears
## 13 Tailless amphibian
## 14 Striped but no predator
## 15 Castrated adult male cattle
## 16 Small insect
## 17 Upright triangular ears, a pointed, slightly upturned snout, and a long bushy tail
## 18 Flying mammal
## 19 A man's best friend.
# get some statistics
## $word_character
## [1] 79
## $grid_width
## [1] 10
## $grid_height
## [1] 10
## $grid_letters
## [1] 73
# export to JSON
## {
## "grid": [
## ["E", "E", "L", "", "", "", "B", "", "", "S"],
## ["T", "E", "R", "M", "I", "T", "E", "", "G", "K"],
## ["H", "A", "R", "E", "", "O", "E", "W", "I", "U"],
## ["O", "X", "", "", "G", "R", "", "O", "R", "N"],
## ["", "", "", "A", "N", "T", "", "M", "A", "K"],
## ["F", "L", "Y", "", "U", "O", "B", "B", "F", ""],
## ["", "F", "O", "X", "", "I", "A", "A", "F", ""],
## ["D", "U", "C", "K", "", "S", "T", "T", "E", "D"],
## ["", "S", "N", "A", "K", "E", "", "", "", "O"],
## ["C", "O", "D", "", "", "", "F", "R", "O", "G"]
## ],
## "words": [
## {
## "row": 10,
## "col": 1,
## "length": 3,
## "direction": "right",
## "word": "COD",
## "clue": "Popular food fish with a mild flavour and a dense, flaky, white flesh."
## },
## }
## [...]