lines of R code: 517, lines of C++ code: 0, lines of test code: 86
A package for measuring change between different versions of text by automatically or semi-automatically aligning text lines and measuring the change. It works kind of like diff or version control systems but focuses on measuring the change in contrast to focusing on solid version control. Furthermore, the package allows for (possibly user made) text cleaning functions that are applied before comparison. Another feature is the semi-automatic alignment that allows for fast computer decissions on clear alignments of 100% matches and 0% matches while asking for human input on more complex decissions.
Peter Meissner ([email protected])
To cite package ‘diffr’ in publications use:
Peter Meissner (2021). diffr: Comparing and aligning text. R package version 0.1.4.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
@Manual{, title = {diffr: Comparing and aligning text}, author = {Peter Meissner}, year = {2021}, note = {R package version 0.1.4}, url = {}, }
BibTex for citing
Example Usage
## Loading required package: diffr
res <- diffr(example_A1_split, example_A2_split,
clean="none", dist="levenwords", sortDF=0)
## [1] "text1_orig" "text2_orig" "text1_clean" "text2_clean" "distance_matrix" "alignment_df" "print"
# total difference between both texts:
sum(res$alignment_df$dist, na.rm=T)
## Warning in res$alignment_df$dist: partial match of 'dist' to 'distance'
## [1] 45
# alignment of texts
## lnr1 lnr2 distance type
## 2 1 7 0 equal
## 3 2 8 0 equal
## 4 3 9 0 equal
## 5 4 10 0 equal
## 6 5 11 0 equal
## 7 6 12 0 equal
# alignment of texts with texts
## lnr1 lnr2 text1 text2 dist type
## 1 1 7 This part of the This part of the 0 equal
## 2 2 8 document has stayed the document has stayed the 0 equal
## 3 3 9 same from version to same from version to 0 equal
## 4 4 10 version. It shouldn't version. It shouldn't 0 equal
## 5 5 11 be shown if it doesn't be shown if it doesn't 0 equal
## 6 6 12 change. Otherwise, that change. Otherwise, that 0 equal
## 7 7 13 would not be helping to would not be helping to 0 equal
## 8 8 NA compress the size of the <NA> 5 del
## 9 9 5 changes. document! 2 mod
## 10 10 NA <NA> NA ignore
## 11 11 26 This paragraph contains This paragraph contains 0 equal
## 12 12 NA text that is outdated. <NA> 4 del
## 13 13 NA It will be deleted in the <NA> 6 del
## 14 14 NA near future. <NA> 2 del
## 15 15 NA <NA> NA ignore
## 16 16 16 It is important to spell It is important to spell 0 equal
## 17 17 17 check this dokument. On check this document. On 2 mod
## 18 18 18 the other hand, a the other hand, a 0 equal
## 19 19 19 misspelled word isn't misspelled word isn't 0 equal
## 20 20 20 the end of the world. the end of the world. 0 equal
## 21 21 21 Nothing in the rest of Nothing in the rest of 0 equal
## 22 22 22 this paragraph needs to this paragraph needs to 0 equal
## 23 23 23 be changed. Things can be changed. Things can 0 equal
## 24 24 24 be added after it. be added after it. 0 equal
## 25 25 NA <NA> NA ignore
## 26 26 30 Source of Text: Source of Text: 0 equal
## 27 27 31 Diff. (2014, August 26). Diff. (2014, August 26). 0 equal
## 28 28 32 In Wikipedia, In Wikipedia, 0 equal
## 29 29 33 The Free Encyclopedia. The Free Encyclopedia. 0 equal
## 30 30 34 Retrieved 10:14, Retrieved 10:14, 0 equal
## 31 31 35 September 24, 2014, September 24, 2014, 0 equal
## 32 32 36 from from 0 equal
## 33 33 37 /w/index.php?title=Diff /w/index.php?title=Diff 0 equal
## 34 34 38 &oldid=622929855 &oldid=622929855 0 equal
## 35 NA 1 <NA> This is an important 4 ins
## 36 NA 2 <NA> notice! It should 4 ins
## 37 NA 3 <NA> therefore be located at 4 ins
## 38 NA 4 <NA> the beginning of this 4 ins
## 39 NA 6 <NA> NA ignore
## 40 NA 14 <NA> compress anything. 2 ins
## 41 NA 15 <NA> NA ignore
## 42 NA 25 <NA> NA ignore
## 43 NA 27 <NA> important new additions 3 ins
## 44 NA 28 <NA> to this document. 3 ins
## 45 NA 29 <NA> NA ignore