This package is - so far - feature complete and should be functional. This is a structured extract and rewrite from client work. Though core parts of the package are used in production and are ‘battle tested’ the package presented here is not - so far.
Package has not been published to CRAN. Attempts have been made. CRAN has a policy on package size (<= 5MB) and publishing to CRAN would mean only publishing the R code without any Java dependencies. One can add an install function that downloads the necessary JAR files after installing the package from CRAN. So far no decision has been made if I should pursue this way or not.
- User!2021:
- UROS 2020:
lines of R code: 593, lines of Java code: 577, lines of test code: 580
0.1.5 ( 2021-03-21 19:08:23 UTC )
Provides R bindings for Consumer, Admin and Producer APIs for Kafka via ‘rJava’: “Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.” Kafka is distributed, highly scalable, provides persistent event storage and is designed for high throughput and low latency.
GPL (>= 3)
Peter Meissner [aut, cre], Marius Pirv [aut],
virtual7 [cph]
Meissner P, Pirv M (2021). kafkaesque: Kafka R Bindings via 'rJava'. R package version 0.1.5.
BibTex for citing
title = {kafkaesque: Kafka R Bindings via 'rJava'},
author = {Peter Meissner and Marius Pirv},
year = {2021},
note = {R package version 0.1.5},
Latest development version from Github:
For the package to work (more precisely do any significant work) it needs a running Kafka that can be reached over network.
A simple way to get a test version and the same version used throughout the README is to run the following docker command (Link to Dockerfile).
docker run -p -p petermeissner/kafkatest
## Loading required package: rJava
## [1] "%>%" "gnrndmsg" "kafka_admin" "kafka_admin_class"
## [5] "kafka_consumer" "kafka_consumer_class" "kafka_get_log_level" "kafka_producer"
## [9] "kafka_producer_class" "kafka_set_log_level"
There are no viable alternatives at the moment, that I know off.
- There is {rkafka} which was a invaluable source of inspiration to take the first steps in making R talk to Kafka. Its using the {rJava} and Kafka’s Java API. Unfortuantly the code does not work with any kind of recent versions of Kafka. So basically the package is dead and no developement has happened for years.
- Another attempt has been made with the {fRanz} (refering to the author Franz Kafka) using a C++ library under the hood. Unfortunatly this started very promissing fast paced but then developement died as quickly.
# new consumer
consumer <- kafka_consumer()
# starting/connecting - + status
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
See here for list of consumer properties:
## $key.deserializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
## $auto.offset.reset
## [1] "earliest"
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $
## [1] "891ee35c-95a7-4fa8-bb9c-ca10b81a7bd8"
## $value.deserializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_consumer"
consumer$props(max.poll.records = 200)
## $key.deserializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
## $max.poll.records
## [1] "200"
## $auto.offset.reset
## [1] "earliest"
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $
## [1] "891ee35c-95a7-4fa8-bb9c-ca10b81a7bd8"
## $value.deserializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_consumer"
# list topics available to consumer
## [1] "test500000" "test2" "test3" "test"
# subscribe to topic
## [1] "test500000"
# retrieve next message
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 500000 1641799430491 1 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 1
# loop over messages and execute code
res <-
f = function(loop_env){ print(loop_env$messages)},
check = function(loop_env){loop_env$meta$loop_counter < 4},
batch = TRUE
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 500001 1641799430491 2 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 500002 1641799430491 3 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 500003 1641799430491 4 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 500004 1641799430491 5 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 500005 1641799430491 6 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 495: test500000 <NA> 0 500495 1641799430492 496 CreateTime 0 -1
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 500496 1641799430492 497 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 500497 1641799430492 498 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 500498 1641799430492 499 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 500499 1641799430492 500 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 1
## 2: 1
## 3: 1
## 4: 1
## 5: 1
## ---
## 495: 3
## 496: 3
## 497: 3
## 498: 3
## 499: 3
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 500500 1641799430492 501 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 500501 1641799430492 502 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 500502 1641799430492 503 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 500503 1641799430492 504 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 500504 1641799430492 505 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 500995 1641799430492 996 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 500996 1641799430492 997 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 500997 1641799430492 998 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 500998 1641799430492 999 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 500999 1641799430492 1000 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 3
## 2: 3
## 3: 3
## 4: 3
## 5: 3
## ---
## 496: 3
## 497: 3
## 498: 3
## 499: 3
## 500: 4
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 501000 1641799430492 1001 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 501001 1641799430492 1002 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 501002 1641799430492 1003 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 501003 1641799430492 1004 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 501004 1641799430492 1005 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 501495 1641799430493 1496 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 501496 1641799430493 1497 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 501497 1641799430493 1498 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 501498 1641799430493 1499 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 501499 1641799430493 1500 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 501500 1641799430493 1501 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 501501 1641799430493 1502 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 501502 1641799430493 1503 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 501503 1641799430493 1504 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 501504 1641799430493 1505 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 501995 1641799430493 1996 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 501996 1641799430493 1997 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 501997 1641799430493 1998 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 501998 1641799430493 1999 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 501999 1641799430493 2000 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
# having a look at the statistics
## $meta
## $meta$end_time
## [1] "2022-01-10 08:25:17 CET"
## $meta$loop_counter
## [1] 4
## $meta$start_time
## [1] "2022-01-10 08:25:17 CET"
## $meta$message_counter
## [1] 1999
## $messages
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 501500 1641799430493 1501 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 501501 1641799430493 1502 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 501502 1641799430493 1503 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 501503 1641799430493 1504 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 501504 1641799430493 1505 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 501995 1641799430493 1996 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 501996 1641799430493 1997 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 501997 1641799430493 1998 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 501998 1641799430493 1999 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 501999 1641799430493 2000 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
# loop over batches of messages and execute code
res <-
f = function(loop_env){ print(loop_env$messages); cat("\n")},
check = function(loop_env){loop_env$meta$message_counter < 1000},
batch = TRUE
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 502000 1641799430493 2001 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 502001 1641799430493 2002 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 502002 1641799430493 2003 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 502003 1641799430493 2004 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 502004 1641799430493 2005 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 502495 1641799430493 2496 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 502496 1641799430493 2497 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 502497 1641799430493 2498 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 502498 1641799430493 2499 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 502499 1641799430493 2500 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 502500 1641799430493 2501 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 502501 1641799430493 2502 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 502502 1641799430493 2503 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 502503 1641799430493 2504 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 502504 1641799430493 2505 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 502995 1641799430494 2996 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 502996 1641799430494 2997 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 502997 1641799430494 2998 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 502998 1641799430494 2999 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 502999 1641799430494 3000 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
## $meta
## $meta$end_time
## [1] "2022-01-10 08:25:17 CET"
## $meta$loop_counter
## [1] 2
## $meta$start_time
## [1] "2022-01-10 08:25:17 CET"
## $meta$message_counter
## [1] 1000
## $messages
## topic key partition offset timestamp value timestampType leaderEpoch serializedKeySize
## 1: test500000 <NA> 0 502500 1641799430493 2501 CreateTime 0 -1
## 2: test500000 <NA> 0 502501 1641799430493 2502 CreateTime 0 -1
## 3: test500000 <NA> 0 502502 1641799430493 2503 CreateTime 0 -1
## 4: test500000 <NA> 0 502503 1641799430493 2504 CreateTime 0 -1
## 5: test500000 <NA> 0 502504 1641799430493 2505 CreateTime 0 -1
## ---
## 496: test500000 <NA> 0 502995 1641799430494 2996 CreateTime 0 -1
## 497: test500000 <NA> 0 502996 1641799430494 2997 CreateTime 0 -1
## 498: test500000 <NA> 0 502997 1641799430494 2998 CreateTime 0 -1
## 499: test500000 <NA> 0 502998 1641799430494 2999 CreateTime 0 -1
## 500: test500000 <NA> 0 502999 1641799430494 3000 CreateTime 0 -1
## serializedValueSize
## 1: 4
## 2: 4
## 3: 4
## 4: 4
## 5: 4
## ---
## 496: 4
## 497: 4
## 498: 4
## 499: 4
## 500: 4
# get current offsets from Kafka
## topic partition offset
## 1: test500000 0 503000
# seek to end of topics
## topic partition offset
## 1: test500000 0 1000000
# seek to beginning of topics
## topic partition offset
## 1: test500000 0 500000
# new producer
producer <- kafka_producer()
# starting/connecting - + status
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
See here for list of consumer properties:
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $value.serializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_producer"
## $key.serializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
producer$props( = "true")
## $
## [1] "true"
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $value.serializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_producer"
## $key.serializer
## [1] "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
producer$send(topic = "test", msg = "Die Kuh macht muh.")
producer$send(topic = "test", msg = "Das Schaf macht mäh.")
producer$send(topic = "test", msg = "Das Pferd macht wihiiiiiiiii-pffffff.")
## [1] "ERROR"
# one of off, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, all
## [1] "INFO"
# set back to normal
## [1] "ERROR"
admin <- kafka_admin()
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_admin"
admin$props( = "true")
## $
## [1] "true"
## $bootstrap.servers
## [1] "localhost:9092"
## $
## [1] "kafkaesque_admin"
## [1] "test500000" "test2" "test3" "test"
## [1] "test500000" "test2" "test3" "test"
topics <- c("chuckle", "chit_chat")
topic = topics,
partition = c(1L, 1L),
replication_factor = c(1L, 1L)
## [1] "chuckle" "test500000" "test2" "test3" "test" "chit_chat"
## [1] "test500000" "test2" "test3" "test"
For R development Rstudio was used. For Java development Visual Studio Code lend a helping hand with Maven as build tooling.
For development one packages is needed:
- {kafkaesque} contains all the R functions, classes and methods and also all Java code that is specific to this project (and not just a dependency)
Java sources are in ./java/kafkaesque/
folder - so your Java project
should take this as root folder. Building Java sources can be done via
Maven: mvn install
will compile everything and copy the
into the package’s ./inst/java/
folder with all its
java dependencies.
After Java compilation, the R packages has to be (re-)build and (re-)installed (with most likely re-starting the R session frist (Ctrl-Shift-F10 in Rstudio)).
If developing Java in VScode - as I did here - pressing Ctr-Shift-B should allow to select the two most important tasks: resolving dependencies and compiling the Java code and distributing it to the right places as described above.