Implementation of a semantic architectured derived from U-Net in Pytorch
checkpoints_unet: Contains checkpoints for a model pretrained on Kaggle's Datascience-Bowl-2018 dataset. This will also store the checkpoints that will be used for further training.
optimizer_checkpoints_unet: Contains optimizer checkpoints corresponding to the ones in checkpoints_unet.(Quite useful when using momentum based optimizers for discontinuous training)
runs: folder created by TensorBoardX.Can be used to view the training and validation loss.
tensorboard --logdir= .
graph_unet: contains log of training (same data as runs) as JSON file. Can be used for plotting with Matplotlib.
Samples: Samples from Kaggle's Datascience-Bowl-2018 dataset run through the pretrained UNet.
data: The data folder contains test,training and validation folder (training and validation folder are during the training). I have provided sample processed datapoints from Kaggle's Datascience-Bowl-2018 dataset as a reference. Please note that the change in the structure and storage of datapoints has to be reflected in ImageDataset class in .
- is used to get segmented output of a given input for a pretrained neural network.It will give output in the folder containing script as Output_unet.png
python /path/to/image/image_name.extension
- Training script for UNet. Please review the comments in the script to understand its hyperparameters and working.
- Contains data augmentation class.It is used to augment data during training the Unet.
- Unet Network architecture is defined here.
Note: This network is compatible with Pytorch 0.3.0 . The next version of Pytorch might cause some major syntax changes.