new version 4.7.6
- new edition mode in SundaySchoolView, real time cart add for each user.
- csv import with add persons to cart
- last footer.js bug update
- re-introduction with the gettext function everywhere
new version 4.7.5
- Sundayschoolview update everything is now in real time and the add of each each user is faster, same with the deletion.
new version 4.7.4
Functionality Improvements :
- Sundayschoolview update :
- New cart button for each students,
- the JS code is now moved to the js file too
- the table is now order by dates too
- The table can be filtered by gender
- everything is rewritten in JS code.
- you can add members (with roles).
- delete members.
- add them to the cart.
- you can now directly click the address, mail, phone numbers and to open the compatible application.
- BADGES : Now the people who are in the cart are directly can be badged
- Now when you add members, you're in edition mode, so all the unusefull part will be removed.
- New cart button for each students,
- SystemConfig : Date format simplifications
- SelectList.js code security
- PersonEditor.php message upgrade (when a family is added)
- Cart protection GDPR
- CartView.php security update
- Documents in PersonView.php reflect only one document.
- GUI : DirectoryReports.php, BackupDatabase.php, UserPasswordChange.php
- CSVCreateFile.php is rewritten.
- Massiv CSVImport.php rewrite
- There's now a mechanism to avoid duplicate name :
- the clear mechanism is rewritten too.
- CSV import for coordinates in family_fam
- UserSetting.php is unusefull because of the user roles, there's no more UserDefault settings, because there's user roles.
- LabelFunction.php is now unusefull
Bugs correction
- FontSelect is now rewritten, there's no more crash.
Inner Beauty
- isSundayShoolTeachForGroup is changed to isSundayShoolTeacherForGroup
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here: