New version 5.8.4
- SundaySchoolView Teacher props
- ClassList.php & PhotoBook.php group prop adds
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php upgrade
Bugs correction
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php bug resolution
- PersonView Bug resolution
- SundaySchool teacher role Bug resolution
- Cart bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- OptionManager upgrade : v2
- GroupView v2
- no more OptionManagerRowOps.php
- no more GroupView.php
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
New version 5.8.3
- FundRaiser GUI update
- PaddleNumEditor.php minor update
- CartView enhancement
- CartView js upgrade
- SelectList propeled
- PeopleDashboard is in v2
- QueryView GUI enhancement
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Calendar api clarification
- ManageList.js enhancements
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvassUtilities.php no more RunQuery
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here: