New CRM is rewritten for :
- AdminLTE 3.1.0
- bootStrap 4.6.0
- php 8.0.3
- slim 4.7.1
- fullcalendar 5.6.0
- Dark mode (automatic or not)
- ckeditor in darkmode too
- Setup enhancements
- vCard export for groups, cart, person, family
- search menu rewritten
- all the api are rewritten
- all the v2 route too.
Bugs correction
- Leaflet for safari
- CSV and PDF stats export is now efficient
- better cart management
- system backup/restore is rewritten too
- sunday school view bug resolution
Inner Beauty
AdminLTE 3.1.0
Jquery 3.6.0
bootStrap is in the last version : 4.6.0
FullCalendar is in version 5.6.0
DataTable are now in 1.10.24
- GroupReport.php is propeled
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here: