Welcome to the EMD Globalizer framework for collective EMD! This project is a work in progress.
We are testing a variety of existing EMD systems and the improvement in their EMD performance when plugged into the framework.
Python: 3.7 or higher.
PyTorch 1.6.0 or higher.
Tensorflow 2.5.0
Download all data folders and saved models before running notebooks.
For model files and data folders please check the shared drive --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12w5FGa3F1qwq3z2n7QySSlZCGgYRuRUE?usp=sharing
Execute the notebook BERTweet_CollectiveEMD.ipynb in the folder BERTweet_CollectiveEMD. Instructions provided next to cells in the Notebook. Do not run cells marked as not reqd to run!
Execute the notebook Gaguilar_CollectiveEMD.ipynb in the folder Aguilar_CollectiveEMD. Instructions provided next to cells in the Notebook. Do not run cells marked as not reqd to run!
~ Satadisha