This script allows a consistent backup of a Docker database container. It can be scheduled via Crontab or other tools like Synology Task Scheduler (see below). The advantage of a database dump over a copy in the file system is the consistency of the data, even if the container has not been stopped.
Just edit the values for keep_days
and backupdir
in the script to your personal needs and configure it to be run automatically. The scritp also crates logfiles next to the backup storage location which can be used for troubleshooting.
Edit your crontab using crontab -e
and enter the following line at the end of the file. Don't forget to update /paht/to/
to the correct storage location of your script.
30 * * * * /path/to/
Depending of the way you run your database container, you man need to setup the crontab for root.
For further information regarding corntabs visit
If you only have either MySQL/MariaDB or Postgres database containers running, you can also use the scripts in the other folder.