##Key-value storage in memory As a storage can be used:
All storage objects have one interface, so you can switch them without changing the working code.
- Tags for keys
- Dog-pile and race-condition effects are excluded
- Increment can work with arrays, strings and numeric values
- MultiAccess class can be used for any resource, to gain access one write multiple read
##Usage: See demo.php to get documentation.
##Requirements: You can use each storage separately, requirements are individually for storages
###PHP version: 5.3+ (maybe 5.2+, not checked)
###For APCObject: APC should be installed, and this setting should be added in php.ini (or apc.ini if you use it)
- apc.slam_defense = Off
- recommended: apc.user_ttl = 0
###For Memcache:
Memcache or Memcached PHP extension should be installed.
Memcache is not the fastest and most secure storage, so use it only when necessary. Read more
###For Redis:
Redis server should be installed (in debian/ubuntu: "apt-get install redis-server").
Also, phpredis (if installed) can be used as client library - just use PhpRedisObject
instead of default RedisObject
###For SHMObject and MultiAccess:
PHP should support shm-functions and msg-functions (--enable-shmop --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-sysvmsg)
Should be used only in specific cases (e.g. mutexes), or when other extensions can not be installed.
#Storages comparison: APC is a very fast and easy to use storage, use it in most cases. If APC can not be used for caching data, or you just like Redis - use Redis. Redis and Memcache can be used for cross-process communication. Also, data in Redis storage will be restored even after server reboot. Don't want to install Redis (it's just 1 line in console :))? Use Memcache. If you can't install any third-party packages, you can use Shared Memory - but your PHP should be compiled with support of shmop-functions.
##Performance comparison
- APC - best performance, let speed result of APC in benchmark is 1.
- PhpRedis - speed 1.23
- Redis - speed 1.6
- Shared memory - speed 130
- Memcache - speed 192 (slowest)
- Atomize increment operation
Look at the comments in demo.php for additional info. Ask, what you want to see commented.
License: MIT