- Release v1.x
Now Documentable is setup as a component. The params logic moves to the component and the plugins looks automatically for an
component. If not present, it will use FS. - v1.1.8 - fix a bug with model->save() called twice. afterSave now resets the file form field.
Add this repository to your composer.json file
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/pixiumdigital/yii2-documentable2"
Add the package to the require list
"pixium/yii2-documentable": "dev-master_v3"
Add to config/console.php
(Yii2 basic) or console/main.php
(Yii2 advanced)
Add this for the migration path to be recognized y yii migrate
If you plan to use your own table with a different name, copy the table structure provided by the migrations in the @vendor/pixium/yii2-documentable/migrations
'controllerMap' => [
or manually run
on Yii Basic:
# Yii2 Basic
./yii migrate/up -p @app/vendor/pixium/yii2-documentable/migrations
# Yii2 Advanced
./yii migrate/up -p vendor/pixium/yii2-documentable/migrations
Available only with v3
Don't run the default migrations. Make a copy, of the files in vendor/pixium/yii2-documentable/migrations
to your project's migration folder, rename the table document
to my_document_table
. In the component defintition specify:
'documentable' => [
'table_name' => 'my_document_table',
The Documentable component now includes the s3 bucket handler directly. To use localstack set your component like this:
'documentable' => [
'class' => 'pixium\documentable\DocumentableComponent',
'aws_s3_config' => [
'bucket_name' => 'my-buket-name', // DEFINE YOUR BUCKET NAME HERE
'endpoint' => getenv('AWS_ENDPOINT') ?: 'http://localstack:4572'
for production:
'documentable' => [
'class' => 'pixium\documentable\DocumentableComponent',
'aws_s3_config' => [
'bucket_name' => getenv('AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME'),
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => getenv('AWS_REGION'),
'credentials' => [
'key' => getenv('AWS_KEY'),
'secret' => getenv('AWS_SECRET')
// call docker defined localstack API endpoint for AWS services
// avoid lib curl issues on bucket-name.ENDPOINT resolution
// <https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/836>
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
The values of
should be set in.env
or in thedocker-compose.yml
file (section environment)
no bucket? You want to put it all on a FS volume?
'components' => [
'documentable' => [
'class' => 'pixium\documentable\DocumentableComponent',
'fs_path' => '/tmp/uploads',
'fs_path_tmp' => '/tmp',
how to get yii to display your images easily:
The simplest way is to create a symbolic link to map the base path to the real location
# Yii2 advanced
ln -s /tmp/uploads ${YII_ROOT}/frontend/web/tmp
# Yii2 basic
ln -s /tmp/uploads ${YII_ROOT}/web/tmp
In this example front.app.local/tmp/uploads/1.jpg
will be mapped to /tmp/uploads/1.jpg
set the image config params, you can override them in the definition of the DocumentablBehaviour on a per Model, per Attribute basis.
'documentable' => [
// ...
'image_options' => [ // can be overwritten at DocumentableBehaviour level
'max_image_size' => ... // max image size (height or width)' (default = 1920)
'quality' => ... // jpeg and webp quality (default = 85)
'jpeg_quality' => ... // jpeg quality uses quality if not set
'webp_quality' => ... // webp quality uses quality if not set
'png_compression_level' => ... /// png compression (default = 6)
'thumbnail' => [ //
'default' => ... // url to default image (default = null)
'default_icon' => '<i class="fa fa-file-image-o fa-3x" aria-hidden="true"></i>'
'type' => 'png' // (default = null: same as parent image)
'square' => ... // (default = 150px)
'width' => ..., 'height' => ..., // take precedence on square
'crop' => true // set to fit the smaller edge in the defined box (default = false)
'background_color' => '000', // RGB 'FFF' = white
'background_alpha' => 0, // 0-100 (0 = transparent)
'quality' => ... // as above
'jpeg_quality' => ... // as above
'webp_quality' => ... // as above
'png_compression_level' => ... // as above
you'll need to add a custom controller to the controller map to make calls to /document/action
// add custom controller route to have the whole Document module as a bundle
'controllerMap' => [
'document' => 'pixium\documentable\controllers\DocumentController',
this is critical to be able to delete documents from the DocumentUploaderWidget.
use \pixium\documentable\behaviors\DocumentableBehavior;
class MyClass extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
// property for file attachment(s)
public $images;
public function behaviors()
return [
[ // Documentable Behavior allows attachment of documents to current model
'class' => DocumentableBehavior::className(),
'filter' => [
'images' => [ // this is the default 'tag' since v2.2.1
//'tag' => 'MYCLASS_IMAGE', // optional now
//'unzip' => false,
'multiple' => true,
'replace' => false,
'thumbnail' => true,
'mimetypes' => 'image/jpeg,image/png',
'extensions' => ['png','jpg'],
... // all image_options above can be added here
note the key in the behavior is the public property images
defined above.
To get a document attached to a model
$model = MyClass::findOne($index);
# one image
return ($doc1 = $model->getDocs('images')->one())
? $doc1->getURI(true) // true for master, false for thumbnail
: Url::to('/img/feature_image_default.svg'); // default for no image
# show them all
foreach ($model->getDocs('images')->all() as $doc) {
echo Html::img($doc->getURI(true));
# thumbnail shortcut (creates Html::img)
return $model->getThumbnail('images',
['class' => 'myclass'],
'<i class="fa-something"></i>'
the name that identifies the relationship between a Document and the Owning model. ('AVATAR_IMAGE', 'RESUME', 'COMIC_PAGE'…). As mentioned above, optional sincev2.2.1
the attribute name will be used instead.unzip
a boolean/string to process zip files. If set to true/NAME, each file extracted will be attached instead of the zip itself.multiple
a boolean to specify whether multiple Documents can be attached under the given tag.replace
a boolean to specify the defaultmultiple
behavior when adding new files.thumbnail
a boolean to specifiy if images given should have a thumbnail created.mimetypes
a csv of mimetypes (accepts meta image/*) to be accepted by the uplaoder widget.extensions
extensions to filter on top of mimetype.- plus all
in your view simply add
use \pixium\documentable\widgets\DocumentUploaderWidget;
echo $form->field($model, 'images')->widget(DocumentUploaderWidget::className());
where images
is the property handled by the behavior.
using imagick, gd2 or gmagik
requires new installs on the php docker container.
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libpng-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-install gd
then rebuild with
docker-compose build
# or
docker-compose build --no-cache
ERROR: still problems with /tmp/<anything>
see https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-bsd-nginx-413-request-entity-too-large/
To fix this issue edit your nginx.conf.
client_max_body_size 2M;
Your php installation also put limits on upload file size. Edit php.ini and set the following directives
in PHP-FPM (docker image php:7.2-fpm
), the config files are in /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d
so all that has to be done is to map a new config.ini
file there:
- ./:/app
# add a php.ini config
- ./scripts/env.local/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/specific.ini:cached
in this specific config.ini add
;This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate
memory_limit = 256M
;The maximum size of an uploaded file.
upload_max_filesize = 32M
;Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 64M
limit per route (API endpoint) https://levelup.gitconnected.com/using-nginx-to-limit-file-upload-size-in-react-apps-4b2ce0e444c2
sudo yum install zip
sudo install php7.2-zip
#on debian simply php-zip
sudo yum install libzip-dev
sudo service php-fpm restart
sudo service nginx restart