This software is designed to help manage inventory and sales in a bookstore. Below is a guide to understanding and using the system effectively.
The Book Store Management System includes classes for managing different types of items in the inventory:
- Book: Represents a book with attributes like name, author, genre, release date, due date, and quantity in stock.
- Movie: Represents a movie with attributes like name, director, genre, release date, duration, due date, and quantity in stock.
- Music: Represents an album with attributes like name, artist, genre, release date, due date, and quantity in stock.
- Game: Represents a video game with attributes like name, publisher, genre, release date, due date, and quantity in stock.
These classes inherit from a base class called GeneralInfo, which contains common attributes shared among all items.
The system offers the following features:
- Add Items: Add new books, movies, music albums, and video games to the inventory.
- Edit Inventory: Update details of existing items in the inventory, such as quantity in stock.
- View Details: Display details of items including name, author/artist/director, genre, release date, and quantity in stock.
- Sell Items: Record sales transactions by updating the quantity in stock.
- Data Persistence: Data is saved to text files (
) for persistence between sessions.
Compile the Code: Compile the code files (
) using a C++ compiler. -
Run the Executable: Execute the compiled program to start the Book Store Management System.
Menu Options: Upon running the program, you'll be presented with a menu offering options to manage different types of inventory items (books, movies, music, games), as well as to exit the program.
Select Actions: Choose from options such as adding new items, editing inventory, viewing details, or recording sales transactions.
Follow Prompts: Follow the prompts to input information about items or select items for editing or selling.
Save Changes: All changes made to the inventory will be saved automatically upon exiting the program.