ClearLagg is a plugin for PocketMine-MP designed to reduce lag by periodically clearing dropped items in the world. It provides configurable options and commands to manage item clearing, player notifications, and detailed statistics.
- Automatic item clearing at configurable intervals
- World-specific configurations
- Player notifications before item clearing
- Command to manually clear items
- Detailed statistics of cleared items
- Download the latest release of ClearLagg from Poggit.
- Place the downloaded
file into theplugins
directory of your PocketMine-MP server. - Restart your server to load the plugin.
After installing the plugin, a configuration file config.yml
will be generated in the plugin_data/ClearLagg
directory. You can customize the settings as needed.
# ClearLagg configuration file
# Please Don't Edit configuration ver
config-version: 3
# Time in seconds between automatic clears
clear-interval: 300
# Time interval in seconds for countdown message broadcast
broadcast-interval: 15
# World-specific settings
enable-auto-clear: true
enable-auto-clear: true
enable-auto-clear: true
# Player notifications
enable: true
message: "All dropped items will be cleared in 299 seconds!"
countdown: 299
# Messages
clear-message: "§aGarbage collected correctly."
warning-message: "§cPicking up trash in{time}..."
broadcast-message: "§bThe items will be deleted in{time} seconds."
- Clears all dropped items in the configured worlds./clearlagg stats
- Displays statistics about the cleared items.
- Allows the player to use the/clearlagg
- Allows the player to view clearlagg statistics.
Use the /clearlagg
command to manually clear all dropped items in the configured worlds.
Use the /clearlagg stats
command to view the statistics of cleared items.
/clearlagg stats
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub if you have any improvements or bug fixes.
- PocketMine-MP for providing the API and platform to develop this plugin.
- All contributors and users for their support and feedback.
Created by ClousCloud Team