The Channeldeleter is a tool to check the activity of Channel on a TeamSpeak Server. This Script will add Bin Icons to unused channels in your teamspeak server.
It requires you to have a mysql server and run this script in X time using cron.
The delete channel script included in the original TS-N Version has been removed since I do not use it an do not which to support it but if you get the original files it should still work.
This tool was created from Newcomer1989 for
Its allowed to use, edit and reproduce this tool but not to sell it! The Channeldeleter is a project under the GNU Generel Public License.
A description how to use it you will find on the following site. There are also a full installation guide.
Use this Software for your own risk! The owner does not warrant the functionality of the software. Further on, the owner not liable for damages resulting from the usage of the software.
This Software uses the PHP Framework of, which is also a product under the GNU Generel Public License.
The Icons come from