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Artifact for PLDI 2017 paper "Control-Flow Recovery from Partial Failure Reports"

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Control-Flow Recovery from Partial Failure Reports

This artifact contains a virtual machine (pldi-2017.ova) with all necessary dependencies installed for re-running the experiments from the paper "Control-Flow Recovery from Partial Failure Reports", published in PDLI 2017. The VM also has necessary scripts to run csi-cc instrumentation and the analyses described in the paper on arbitrary C programs.

Logging in to the Virtual Machine

First, import the virtual machine into a virtual machine manager, such as VirtualBox. You can log into the machine with the following credentials:

User:     vagrant
Password: vagrant

The machine is currently set up to use 12 processors and 32GB of RAM. You can edit the number of processors as appropriate for your machine's CPU. (We recommend 4 processors if possible, though 2 should be sufficient.) If you intend to reproduce the experiments from the paper, we recommend that you do not decrease the RAM allocation below 32GB. However, if the host machine does not have 32GB of RAM, then the user will need to reduce the memory allocation for the virtual machine. This will be sufficient for testing our analysis directly (see the Running Analysis on Arbitrary Programs section), but may not be suitable for reproducing paper experiments, because additional test subjects may run out of time or memory.

Smoke Test

Users should begin by running a "smoke-test" to verify that the current setup is working correctly before running the full set of experiments. To run the test, you can run:

cd /vagrant
make smoke-test

The test should take approximately 10 minutes to run, and report "Smoke test: OK!" when finished.

To Reproduce Paper Results

Pre-Selected Application Set

In brief, to reproduce a selection of the paper results, run:

cd /vagrant
make pldi-analyze

This will run the analysis on a pre-selected set of evaluated applications (print_tokens, print_tokens2, schedule, schedule2, and ccrypt) that are expected to complete in 24–48 hours.

Unless you:

  • want to do additional tweaking of experiments, or
  • reduced your virtual machine's memory below 32GB, skip ahead to the Comparing Results section.

Running a Different Set of Applications

To edit which applications are run, edit or create a configuration file. By default, make uses the configuration file /vagrant/results/pldi-short-config. To use a different configuration file, run make as follows:

make pldi-analyze ANALYSIS_CONFIG=/path/to/config/file

The repository contains a configuration file, /vagrant/results/analysis-config, that configures the analysis to run every application from the paper. Running the analysis for all failures will take a substantial amount of time: on the order of 1-2 weeks. The time duration is dominated by larger applications with many evaluated failures, such as space, sed, and flex.

Reduced Memory Threshold

If the virtual machine is allocated less than 32GB of RAM, users should also reduce the memory threshold below 32GB for running out of memory during the experiments. To do so, use the environment variable MAX_MEMORY, which should give the memory-out limit in MB (matching the memory allocated to the VM). So, for example, to run the default selection of applications with the memory limit set to 16GB, you can run:

cd /vagrant
make pldi-analyze MAX_MEMORY=16384

However, note that we do not recommend this if using 32GB of RAM is possible. Changing the memory threshold for the experiments will result in more subjects exceeding the memory threshold than in our original paper experiments. Hence, the results obtained in this manner will very likely not as closely match those from our original experiments. We have not tested our artifact with MAX_MEMORY set below 5GB.

Comparing Results

A run of make pldi-analyze will generate a result file /vagrant/paper-figures. This file contains the summarized result data in the same format as all tables and figures from section 6 of the PLDI paper. Raw result data is also generated in .csv format at:


for stack-only and stack-plus-call-coverage results respectively. A number of other intermediate .csv files for the tables in /vagrant/paper-figures are also generated in this directory.

While we expect that results should be very similar to those in the paper, it is possible that a fresh run will yield more time-out analysis runs than reported in the paper and slightly different ratios for relative analysis run times (as given in figures 11 and 13 of the paper). This is because the original experiments were performed on a bare-metal machine, while the artifact runs in a virtual machine. We expect the effects on results to be minimal, though we have observed longer running times in our own testing.

Running Analysis on Arbitrary Programs

The artifact also contains the necessary scripts to run the analysis on arbitrary programs. There are two ways to do so:

  • Run the analysis, csi-grissom, directly on extracted failure data and a CFG file
  • An automated script, do-csi-analysis, that extracts the necessary information for running the analysis on an executable compiled with the csi-cc instrumenting compiler, and a core dump generated from that executable

Each of the two methods are explained separately, along with when and how one might use them. In all cases, the analysis will run one query for each basic block in the program, and output the Yes, No, and Maybe sets as discussed in section 6 of the PLDI paper.

Running Analysis Directly on Subjects with csi-grissom

To run analysis for a single failure, the basic command is:

csi-grissom -json path_to_json path_to_graphml

Here, the JSON file is the extracted failure data for the failing run, and the GraphML file is the control-flow graph of the program.

The csi-grissom script takes a number of arguments to configure which solver is run (UTL, FSA, or SVPA) and how results are formatted. Run

csi-grissom --help

for the full listing of options. Some commonly useful options include:

  • -first <UTL,FSA,SVPA> indicates which solver to run. (default: UTL)
  • -result-style <none,compact,full,csiclipse,standard> indicates how to display the results. The two most useful options are compact, which simply displays the sizes of the Yes, No, and Maybe sets, and standard, which displays the list of lines in each file that have at least one expression marked as Yes, No, and Maybe. (default: compact)
  • -stackonly tells the analysis to ignore all failure data except the crashing stack trace (e.g., ignore csi-cc call coverage data).

less common options that may be useful include:

  • -second <UTL,FSA,SVPA,None> indicates a second solver to run (if any) whose output will be compared to the first solver. This is useful to verify that all solvers produce expected results. (default: None)
  • -compare <eq,gt,lt> indicates how the analysis should compare the results of the first and second solvers. If eq, they should produce exactly the same Yes, No, and Maybe sets. If gt, the first solver is expected to be more precise, and should classify no less statements as Yes and/or No than the second solver (i.e., it's Maybe set should be a subset of the second solver's Maybe set). If lt, the second solver should be more precise.

For example, the application gzip is not part of the pre-selected set of experiments. Suppose one would like to run analysis on the extracted failure data in /vagrant/results/results_trace/gzip/v1/FAULTY_F_KL_2/9-trace/data.json. The following command would do so:

csi-grissom -json /vagrant/results/results_trace/gzip/v1/FAULTY_F_KL_2/9-trace/data.json /vagrant/results/results_trace/gzip/v1/FAULTY_F_KL_2/gzip.graphml

All extracted failure data from the original experiments is contained within the /vagrant/results/results_trace directory, with subdirectories for each application, version, bug, and individual failing test case respectively. The above command runs the analysis on extracted failure data for the application gzip, version 1, with the seeded fault FAULTY_F_KL_2, on test case 9. The failure data itself is contained within the data.json file, while gzip.grahml contains the program's control-flow graph. Note that this command will not set any timeout or kill the process when it exceeds any memory threshold, as it simply runs the analysis program directly.

Running Analysis on an Executable and Core Dump

The script do-csi-analysis takes an executable file and a core dump (produced from a failing run of that executable) as input, extracts the failure data from the core dump, and runs csi-grissom on the extracted data. The basic usage is

do-csi-analysis executable corefile

The script supports a number of options, and the full list is available by running:

do-csi-analysis --help

The -solver and -result-style options are identical to those from csi-grissom, as described above. The -save-temps option instructs the solver to not use a temporary directory, and instead store extracted failure data in a new subdirectory of cwd. The -debug flag allows all output to flow directly from csi-grissom to the user, rather than hiding progress updates and internal log messages printed by csi-grissom.

Note that the executable must be produced by the csi-cc instrumenting C compiler. The csi-cc compiler is extensively documented in /vagrant/csi-cc/doc/. We recommend the following command to compile for testing:

csi-cc --trace=/vagrant/csi-cc/schemas/cc.schema -csi-opt=2 -opt-style=simple my_file.c

This command compiles my_file.c with optimized call-site coverage instrumentation, precisely as done for the experiments in section 6 of the PLDI paper. Note that csi-cc is a near drop-in replacement for gcc, so it also nearly all standard gcc options (such as -c).

The provided artifact machine is already configured to produce core dumps for failing native applications (e.g., when calling abort() or causing a segmentation fault). If the application a.out (compiled and linked by csi-cc) produced file core.123 from a failing run, a basic launch of the analysis would look like:

do-csi-analysis a.out core.123

Note that this command will not set any timeout or kill the process when it exceeds any memory threshold, as it simply runs the analysis program directly.

If Something Goes Wrong

We hope there are no issues with our artifact. However, if a problem does arise, the most useful information for us to debug the issue includes any output from the failed command, as well as the following files:


Please send failure reports to Peter Ohmann at [email protected].


Artifact for PLDI 2017 paper "Control-Flow Recovery from Partial Failure Reports"






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