Recieve your discogs wantlist in your telegram app and enhanced it! You will recieve the new entries every hour (by default) and you can block sellers, no more sellers with abusive price or repited records, ban it!
Follow this instructions to install it:
Install Docker
Install Node
Install Yarn
Get your Telegram token for your bot, something like this:
- Ask to Botfather to obtain the token.
Get your Telegram chat id, where you recieve the messages with the scrapped data.
- If you want more information about the bot integration check Telebot documentation.
yarn docker:install
You will asked to enter these config parameters:
- Discogs username and password.
- Telegram token and chat id.
- Cron schedule. By default is set to
47 07-23,00-01 * * *
- You can use Crontab Guru to make the schedule.
- This will create
file that will be used by scrapy to scrap your wantlist discogs account.
This is a quick reference to know the app uses.
yarn docker:up
Start app and db docker containers and attach to the app terminal container.
yarn docker:down
Down app and db docker containers.
yarn docker:start
Launch and attach to the app terminal container if it is already up.
yarn docker:build
Build app and db docker containers.
yarn docker:app
Get shell inside the app container.
yarn docker:db
Get shell inside the db container.
yarn prettier
Pretify the code.
yarn test
Run Jest test util.
Inside Telegram you can send commands to the app, to block some sellers that abuse (some sellers are deleting items and uploading again every day) or have high prices.
- You will ask to insert the seller nickname.
- Recieve the entire list of banned sellers.
To start development mode
cd web && yarn start
To render bundle production
cd web && yarn build
- At this moment the app is only working at dev enviroment.
- Use as your own risk, if you set your cron every 5-10 minutes, discogs maybe block your account. I recommend to set the cron to 1 hour minimum.
- Feel free to create an issue / pull request if you find some bug or improvement.
- Add test. The enviroment is ready to use jest test.
- Persist config data when the container is down.
This app runs with two docker container:
- nikolaik/python-nodejs Node backend over Express with python for Scrapy.
- mariadb for the database.
The app is build over Express framework that provides the API.
This a side project, feel free to send pull request to fix or improve the app! I work as I senior UI developer, this backend project is a challenge for me. Done with love by Pol Escolar