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This monorepo contains the following packages:

@polybase/client: browser/node client

@polybase/react: react wrapper for client

@polybase/eth: ethereum helpers

@polybase/util: encryption, signature and other helpers

How to validate changes in npm package dependencies locally

In Library A:

  • First, ensure library A is prepared for npm usage. You should have a package.json in place with a name and version.

  • In the directory of library A, run the command npm link. This creates a symbolic link in the global node_modules directory to library A.

In Library B:

  • Run the command npm link A, replacing "A" with the name you specified for library A in its package.json. This creates a symbolic link from your local node_modules to the global one for library A.

  • Now, if you run npm install, it will also install the dependencies of library A, and since we've linked it locally, it should use the latest code available.

Finally run npm unlink when done.

Note: In the case of the @polybae/client repo (for instance), library "A" would be any of its locally-changed dependencies (such as @polybase/polylang), and library "B" would be @polybase/client itself.