Configuration utility for setting up function keys on ubuntu for Logitech k480 keyboard.
Inspiration came from this place:
Mario made this tool for k810, I simply re-traced his steps for k480. My current configuration is Ubuntu 14.10 with k480 connected through some old d-link bluetooth adapter (on a desktop machine).
- check which hidraw device is your logitech keyboard:
$cat /sys/class/hidraw/hidraw*/device/uevent
Identify which one it is, e.g. hidraw2 (It might be any other, be sure which one it is before you proceed).
- Then run following files to make function keys behave as function keys by default. (after downloading/cloning files from here):
$sudo ./k480_conf -d /dev/hidraw2 -f on
You can also revert this behaviour by running:
$sudo ./k480_conf -d /dev/hidraw2 -f off
which will make media keys default and function keys accessible by (fn + function key).
To keep this setting after a restart you need to tell Ubuntu to run the script for you.
Here is one of possible rules to be put in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-k480.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="bluetooth", ATTRS{address}=="00:1f:20:e3:6c:b6", RUN+="/opt/bin/k480_conf -d /dev/%k -f on"