Dark Mode | Default |
Deploy the example using Vercel:
- Framework: Next.js
- Database: Firebase
- Authentication: NextAuth.js
- Deployment: Vercel
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
👉 Build a fully functional Instagram feed with comments!!! 👉 Use Tailwind CSS to build a FULLY mobile responsive web app! 👉 Build a custom authentication screen using NextAuth! 👉 use Firebase storage API and upload images! 👉 use Recoil as a state management tool! 👉 use dark mode!
git clone https://github.com/prahladtimalsina/instagram-clone-2023.git
cd instagram-clone-2023
yarn install
yarn dev
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=[google client id]
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=[google client secret]
- NEXTAUTH_URL=[next auth url]
- SECRET=[generate secret from terminal]