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Init System

-> first prcess in booting process [after BIOS]
-> daemon process
-> continues running until the system is shut down
-> started by kernal during booting process
-> Assigned PID 1
-> this should start all process/service/daemons
-> ex: boot screen , N/W process etc


-> systemd
-> launchd
-> runit


-> cross platform Unix init system [service supervision]
-> service supervision --managing services/logging
-> runsv command, which manages each process
-> runs on GNU/Linux, *BSD, MacOSX, Solaris
-> Automatic starting of services when the system starts
-> Automatic monitoring and restarting of services if they terminate
-> runit componets are brokern into small units
-> runsvdir, runsv, chpst, svlogd, and sv
-> To start runit manually

Runit Components

sv controls and manages services monitored by runsv.
runsv starts and monitors a service and optionally an appendant log service.
runsvdir starts and monitors a collection of runsv processes.
runsvchdir changes the services directory of runsvdir (i.e. switches the “runlevel”).
svlogd is runit’s service logging daemon.
chpst runs a program with a changed process state (e.g. set the user id of a program, or renice a program)
utmpset modifies the user accounting database utmp to indicate that the user on the terminal line logged out.

Starting runsvdir

runsvdir -P /etc/service

-> to check runit is running

ps -ef | grep runsvdir

Dir Structure

-> core dir is /etc/sv
-> this contain one dir for each process and run script to start process



-> starts runsv process for each subdir in /etc/service or link
-> restart runsv process if it terminates
-> every 5 sec it checks delta in dir and starts if new folder or sends TERM to runsv if folder is removed
-> If the log argument is given to runsvdir, all output to standard error is redirected to this log
-> -H Handle TERM the same as HUP, i.e. send a TERM signal to each runsv(8) process, then exit with 111. -> If runsvdir receives a TERM signal, it exits with 0 immediately, unless -H is specified in which case TERM is treated like HUP.
-> If runsvdir receives a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each runsv(8) process it is monitoring and then exits with 111.

First runit Service

-> create folder and run file

echo "i am first runit sample service"
echo date 
df -h
chmod +x run

-> link dir to runsvdir

ln -s /etc/sv/firstrunitservice /etc/service/firstrunitservice

-> check status

sv status firstrunitservice

-> in dir ther is folder cretaed "supervise"

[root@localhost firstrunitservice]# ls
run  supervise
[root@localhost firstrunitservice]# ls supervise/
control  lock  ok  pid  stat  status
[root@localhost firstrunitservice]# ls -l supervise/
total 8
prw-------. 1 root root  0 Jan 10 14:32 control
-rw-------. 1 root root  0 Jan 10 14:32 lock
prw-------. 1 root root  0 Jan 10 14:32 ok
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  0 Jan 10 14:49 pid
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  5 Jan 10 14:49 stat
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 20 Jan 10 14:49 status


-> to check logs of each services/process
-> run log service inside each service/process
-> log file name will be current

[root@localhost firstrunitservice]# cat log/run 
exec svlogd -t /var/log/firstrunit
exec svlogd -t .
[root@localhost firstrunitservice]# tail -10 log/current 
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45830 Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45834 devtmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45836 tmpfs                    3.9G  197M  3.7G   5% /dev/shm
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45836 tmpfs                    3.9G  9.8M  3.9G   1% /run
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45837 tmpfs                    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45837 /dev/mapper/centos-root   50G  5.7G   45G  12% /
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45838 /dev/sda1               1014M  155M  860M  16% /boot
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45839 /dev/mapper/centos-home  174G  4.7G  170G   3% /home
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45839 tmpfs                    797M   40K  797M   1% /run/user/1000
2021-01-10_11:24:30.45863 i am done..................................................

-> -t timestamp [man svlogd]

##Process Tree -> Runit willbe PID 1 -> Runit will start runsvdir in stage 2 -> Runsvdir will create runsv process for each /etc/sv dir

[root@localhost prakash]# docker exec -it c33965a698a2 pstree
-+= 00001 root runit 
 \-+= 00010 root runsvdir /etc/service 
   |-+- 00012 root runsv firstrunitservice 
   | \-+- 00014 root /bin/sh ./run 
   |   \-+- 00015 root sh /opt/test/ 
   |     \--- 00021 root sleep 10 
   \-+- 00011 root runsv secondrunitservice 
     \-+- 00013 root /bin/sh ./run 
       \-+- 00016 root sh /opt/test/ 
         \--- 00022 root sleep 10

Terminating runsvdir

-> When you kill runsvdir only that process is killed
-> services will be active and running
-> when you kill service log service associated to that is not killed
-> to kill or send TERM signal to all runsv process send SIGHUP to runsvdir

kill -1 {runsvdir pid}

-> this will kill all runsv process including log service
-> seperate svlogd for service
-> we can directly send SIGNALS to runsv

Terminating service/runsv

sv {signal} {service-name}

RUNIT Stages

-> runit performs the system's booting, running and shutting down in 3 stages

Stage 1

-> this executed when sys starts -> runs /etc/runit/1 file -> sys init tasks/one time tasks are done

Stage 2

-> starts after stage 1
-> runs /etc/runit/2
-> start runsvdir here
-> this should not end before system halt
-> automatically restarted if it crashes
-> This keeps running (if all goes well) until system reboot or halt.
-> TRAPS can be handled in this stage

Stage 3

-> executed when you kill/shutdown
-> tasks during reboot/shutdown/halts are done
-> runs /etc/runit/3 [only if you have stopit file and SIGCONT]
-> if stage 2 return without any error this runs
-> tasks to cleanly bring down the machine.
-> Stops all runsv services etc [we have to do]

echo 'Waiting for services to stop...'
sv -w196 force-stop /etc/service/*
sv exit /etc/service/*

sample stages

These are working examples for Debian sarge

RUNIT Signals

-> If runsvdir receives a TERM signal, it exits with 0 immediately.
-> If runsvdir receives a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each runsv process it is monitoring and then exits with 111
-> When I run

docker kill 40ed444ca8c2 --signal SIGCONT
docker kill 40ed444ca8c2 --signal SIGTERM
docker kill 40ed444ca8c2 --signal SIGKILL

this will not run runlevel 3

-> we need stopit file in runit folder for executing /etc/runit/3 file
-> only SIGCONT is executing runlevel 3 [SIGTERM/SIGHUP is not executing runlrvl 3]

[root@localhost runit-service]# docker logs -f 40ed444ca8c2
- runit: $Id: 25da3b86f7bed4038b8a039d2f8e8c9bbcf0822b $: booting.
- runit: enter stage: /etc/runit/1
i am /etc/runit/1 file 
1:i amg oing to stop  
- runit: leave stage: /etc/runit/1
- runit: enter stage: /etc/runit/2
i am /etc/runit/2 file 
- runit: leave stage: /etc/runit/2
- runit: enter stage: /etc/runit/3
i am /etc/runit/3 file 
1:i amg going to stop: shutdown completed   
- runit: leave stage: /etc/runit/3
- runit: sending KILL signal to all processes...
- runit: power off...
- runit: system halt.

-> Docker stop command will send SIGTERM
-> Docker kill command will send SIGKILL

Runit gracefull shutdown

Method 1:

  1. When SIGTERM/SIGKILL/SIGHUP received from docker/kubernetes convert it to SIGHUP and send it to runsvdir
  2. Automatically When runsvdir receives a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each runsv

-> How do you make sure you will catch/trap these signals ?
-> most of the time SIGTERM/SIGHUP is received by runit-init (process ID 1 )

Not able to TRAP SIGTERM from docker????

Method 2

  1. In DockerFile use SIGCONT as stop signal
  2. Add /etc/runit/stop. this will execute /etc/runit/3
  3. In /etc/runit/3 file stop all services using sv stop

SV commands


If the service is not running, start it. If the service stops, restart it.


If the service is running, send it the TERM signal, and the CONT signal.
If ./run exits, start ./finish if it exists
After it stops, do not restart service.


If the service is not running, start it. Do not restart it if it stop


Same as up, but wait up to 7 seconds for the command to take effect.
Then report the status or timeout.
If the script ./check exists in the service directory, sv runs this script to check whether the service is up and available; it’s considered to be available if ./check exits with 0.


Same as down, but wait up to 7 seconds for the service to become down.
Then report the status or timeout.


Same as down, but wait up to 7 seconds for the service to become down.
Then report the status, and on timeout send the service the kill command.

Docker zombie reaping problem Issue:

-> When we kill or force stop service runsv process dies and actual process is not
-> In Init sys process without parent will be adopted by PID 1

ex :
-> I killed 2 process first/second service
-> Only runsv process killed and script is not stopped
-> runit process adopted orphan process

/etc/sv/secondrunitservice # pstree
-+= 00001 root runit 
 |-+- 00015 root sh /opt/test/ 
 | \--- 00108 root sleep 10 
 |-+- 00014 root sh /opt/test/ 
 | \--- 00109 root sleep 10 
 \-+= 00009 root runsvdir /etc/service 
   |--- 00011 root runsv firstrunitservice 
   \--- 00010 root runsv secondrunitservice 
/etc/sv/secondrunitservice # sv start firstrunitservice
ok: run: firstrunitservice: (pid 118) 0s
/etc/sv/secondrunitservice # pstree
-+= 00001 root runit 
 |-+- 00015 root sh /opt/test/ 
 | \--- 00115 root sleep 10 
 |-+- 00014 root sh /opt/test/ 
 | \--- 00116 root sleep 10 
 \-+= 00009 root runsvdir /etc/service 
   |-+- 00011 root runsv firstrunitservice 
   | \-+- 00118 root /bin/sh ./run 
   |   \-+- 00119 root sh /opt/test/ 
   |     \--- 00120 root sleep 10 
   \--- 00010 root runsv secondrunitservice

Unix Process Basics

-> for any command Unix/Linux creates/starts process
-> Can be foreground / Background
-> Daemons are system-related background processes
-> Tracked with PID [process id-5 digit]
-> alone with PID parent PID [PPID] also assigned from who created that
-> a parent process can create an independently executing child process
-> each process has parent except PID 1 or Init process .bcoz started by kernal
-> process can wait() for child prcesss to complete
-> The parent process may then issue a wait system call which suspends the execution of the parent process while the child executes
-> After child terminates with exit code , parent will resume [only for wait()]
-> when child process terminated/killed SIGCHLD sent to parent
-> Using this parent can retrive exit status of child
-> Parent updates process table [removed entry -> reaped]
-> process ends via exit, all of the memory and resources associated with it are deallocated
-> the process's entry in the process table remains .Its parent process responsibility to call wait() and get the exit code of child and remove Child entry from PTABLE
-> ps cmd OP with Z in STAT field is zombie process

Zombie and Orphan Processes

Zombie Process

-> if parent is not waiting on child [just to update status] is Zombie Processes
-> if a wait is not performed then the terminated child remains in a "zombie" state
-> No one is there to remove its state from P-Table
-> processes that stay zombies for a long time are generally an error and cause a resource leak
-> As long as a zombie is not removed from the system via a wait, it will consume a slot in the kernel process table, and if this table fills, it will not be possible to create further processes.

Orphan Processes

-> parent is killed before child its called Orphan Processes
-> This process is not dead , it will be executing
-> Thease process will be Adapted by PID 1 (INIT PROCESS)
-> Then INIT will wait() on this process and remove it from P-TABLE
-> The action of calling waitpid() on a child process in order to eliminate its zombie, is called "reaping"

Running INIT process in docker will avoid Zombie/Orphan


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