Checker game built using React and TailwindCSS
Watch the demo video
Follow these simple steps to get started with a local version of Checker:
Clone the project from git: Getting from the strat you need to clone the project using SSH or HTTPS.
git clone
Installation: Install the required dependencies using your package manager of choice.
Run the Development Server: Start the development server and see the app in action.
yarn start
Run on web browser: open your favourite web browser and just type local url.
- The game is played on an 8x8 board with dark and light squares.
- Each player starts with 12 pieces on dark squares (first and last 3 rows).
- Pieces can only move forward diagonally.
- A piece can capture an opponent’s piece by ‘jumping’ over it. This can only be done if there is no piece of either player on the other side.
- After a player has moved the other player can move his pieces.
- The game is over when one player has no more pieces.
- Alert when a user wins
- A piece becomes a ‘king’ when it reaches the other side. It can then move backwards and forwards.
- Improve UI