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Development Roadmap

starkos edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

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The end is in sight for a 5.0 release!

Feel free to raise questions and comments about this roadmap over on the Developer Forums. And we are always looking for help—if you can tackle any of these steps, let us know!

Split Off Premake 4.x

I am (currently, at least) very short on time which is making it next to impossible to manage both of these versions. If you have any interest in the maintenance of the 4.x branch, please let me know.

Get Off Industrious One

This should be done before the release so there is one canonical place to point people for documentation and support. The documentation and discussions should be hosted somewhere the community can contribute.

  • Evaluate Confluence (tried it, liked it, but didn't think it would add enough benefit to justify the extra moving parts)
  • Evaluate JIRA for better issue tracking (same as above; what's here on GitHub is good enough)
  • Move discussions Google Groups (developers) and Stack Overflow (questions)
  • Move documentation to the GitHub wiki (in progress)
  • Redirect everything from old site to the wiki

Automate Releases and Testing

This is somewhat a nice to have, but I believe that putting releases on a regular automated cycle will encourage and formalize development. In addition, I would like to have a public-facing CI server in place, which will make it easier to open up the repository to new contributors. Travis CI can do all of this and works well with GitHub.

Everyone who said "we need more releases" please step forward.

Reconnect Xcode Exporter

  • Integrate the existing module into core (I would love to find a way to register the Xcode action at startup, and only load the scripts if they are actually needed. That would allow us to add lots of modules without increasing the startup time.)
  • Modernize the code (see the Visual Studio exporters for examples)
  • Implement missing features

Improve Makefiles

  • Modernize the code (see the Visual Studio exporters for examples)
  • Implement missing features

Develop Modules

Modules are likely to be the most important feature in the 5.0 release. We need to exercise the module system, work out any issues, and finish the cleanup of the internal APIs.

  • Identify any modules that are ready to be shipped as part of the official releases and merge in
  • Review and clean up the Premake APIs to get them ready for public usage
  • Identify and fill in any missing documentation on the Premake APIs

Fix Bugs

There is always a need for people to work the issue tracker and help fix the bugs that crop up!

Thanks everyone, in advance, for your help! Please comment, question, compliment and criticize over on the Premake forums!

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