A shell script to control Music Players using MPRIS & dbus
dmc.sh [-d] [-h] [-p player name] command
-h : Display the help message
-d : Display debug messages.
-p : Name of the media player that need to be controlled.
Commands : play, pause, playPause, stop, next & previous(prev)
Use the following command to identify the name of the player.
qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.*
This will give output like
In the above result, the available player names are amarok, clementine, mpd & vlc.
VLC player need to be started with MPRIS support. Launch vlc as follows:
vlc --control dbus
MPRIS support for MPD need to be enabled using the mpDris2 package. Please refer https://github.com/eonpatapon/mpDris2 for installation and configuration information.
No special setup required.