pm4py 2.7.8
1184 commits
to release
since this release
- 634b6a5
f024067- Refactoring OCEL import/export
- c137912
- centralized enabling/disabling of TQDM progress bar + Disabling progress bar in tests
- 08c2c16
- avoiding the necessity of re-creating when new packages are added to pm4py
- a7dc86f
- disable IM fallthroughs in the simplified interface
- b3d88dc
- refactor pm4py.llm.abstract_log_features (split in two methods)
- b9f74be
- playout variant selection in the simplified interface
- 5aedd30
- support for log2log alignments in the simplified interface
- b254210
- return legacy log option in pm4py.parse_event_log_string
- 063a6d6
- properly closing file objects in different pm4py importers/exporters (XES, PNML, PTML, ...)
- 35f13b6
- fixing XES importing warnings in obtaining the resulting pd.DataFrame
- ef548ef
- fixing test/examples execution
- d1b39bd
- fix Petri net serialization
- e51c5e1
- fixing TBR diagnostics when the methods are called on pd.DataFrame