Releases: proftomwbell/Ulex
Ulex v. 1.1
Ulex v. 1.1 (2017)
1. Procedural Rules
1.1. Procedural Principles: ALI & International Institute for the Unification of Law, Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure (2004).
1.2. Default Procedural Rules
1.2.1. Judges: Each party chooses a judge and those two judges choose a third.
1.2.2. Remedies: The judges choose one party's proposed remedy.
1.2.3. Costs: The losing party pays the winning party's legal costs.
2. Substantive Rules
2.1. Tort Law
2.1.1. Generally: ALI, Restatement of Torts, Second (1965-79).
2.1.2. Defective Products: ALI, Restatement of Torts, Third, Product Liability (1998).
2.1.3. Shared Blame: ALI, Restatement of Torts, Third, Apportionment of Liability (2000).
2.1.4. Personal Harm: ALI, Restatement of Torts, Third, Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm (2009-12).
2.2. Property Law
2.2.1. Generally: ALI, Restatement of Property (1936-40).
2.2.2. Leases: ALI, Restatement of Property, Second, Landlord and Tenant (1977).
2.2.3. Mortgages: ALI, Restatement of Property, Third, Mortgages (1997).
2.2.4. Servitudes: ALI, Restatement of Property, Third, Servitudes (2000).
2.2.5. Gifts: ALI, Restatement of Property, Third, Wills and Other Donative Transfers (1999−2003).
2.3. Contract Law: ALI, Restatement of Contracts, Second (1981).
2.4. Additional Restatements of the Common Law
2.4.1. Conflict of Laws: ALI, Restatement of Conflict of Laws, Second (1971).
2.4.2. Unfair Competition: ALI, Restatement of Unfair Competition, Third (1995).
2.4.3. Suretyship and Guaranty: ALI, Restatement of Suretyship and Guaranty, Third (1996).
2.4.4. Agency: ALI, Restatement of the Law of Agency, Third (2006).
2.4.5. Trusts: ALI, Restatement of Trusts, Third (2003−12).
2.4.6. Restitution and Unjust Enrichment: ALI, Restatement of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, Third (2011).
2.4.7. Employment: ALI, Restatement of Employment Law, Third (2014).
2.5. Uniform Commercial Codes
2.5.1. General Provisions: ALI & and Uniform Law Commission (ULC), Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Article 1: General Provisions (2001).
2.5.2. Leases of Goods: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 2A: Leases (2002).
2.5.3. Negotiable Instruments: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 3: Negotiable Instruments (2002).
2.5.4. Banking: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 4: Bank Deposits and Collections (2002).
2.5.5. Funds Transfers: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 4A: Funds Transfers (2012).
2.5.6. Letters of Credit: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 5: Letters of Credit (1995).
2.5.7. Documents of Title: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 7: Documents of Title (2003).
2.5.8. Investment Securities: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 8: Investment Securities (1994).
2.5.9. Secured Transactions: ALI & ULC, UCC Article 9: Secured Transactions (2010).
2.6. Natural Persons
2.6.1. Adoption: ULC, Uniform Adoption Act (1994).
2.6.2. Wards and Protected Persons: ULC, Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act (1997).
2.6.3. Parentage: ULC, Uniform Parentage Act (2002).
2.6.4. Marriage: ULC, Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act (2012).
2.6.5. Probate: ULC, Uniform Probate Code (2014).
2.7. Legal Persons
2.7.1. Nonprofit Corporations: ABA, Model Nonprofit Corporation Act (2008).
2.7.2. Corporations: ABA, Model Business Corporation Act (2013).
2.7.3. Business Organizations: ULC, Uniform Business Organizations Code (UBOC), Article 1: The Hub (2013).
2.7.4. Conversions and Mergers: ULC, UBOC, Article 2: Model Entity Transaction Act (2013).
2.7.5. Partnerships: ULC, UBOC, Article 3: Uniform Partnership Act (2013).
2.7.6. Limited Partnerships: ULC, UBOC, Article 4: Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2013).
2.7.7. Limited Liability Companies: ULC, UBOC, Article 5: Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (2013).
2.7.8. Cooperative Associations: ULC, UBOC, Article 6: Uniform Limited Cooperative Association Act (2013).
2.7.9. Unincorporated Nonprofits: ULC, UBOC, Article 7: Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (2011).
2.7.10. Business Trusts: ULC, UBOC, Article 8: Uniform Statutory Trust Entity Act (2013).
2.8. Substantive Administrative Rules
2.8.1. Electronic Signatures: ULC, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (1999).
2.8.2. Electronic Recording: ULC, Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (2005).
2.8.3. Priority of Title to Real Property: Any conveyance of an interest in real property that has not been recorded in the relevant land records office, if any, shall be void as against any subsequent transfer of a conflicting interest for value paid in good faith, recorded earlier.
2.8.4. Adulthood: Adulthood, age of consent, majority, and capacity to contract begin 18 years after a person's birth.
2.8.5. Time Limits: A cause of action subject to the statute of limitations or a claim against adverse possession or prescription expires seven years after its accrual.
2.9. Substantive Catchall Rule: No controversy left unresolved by application of these rules may be decided contrary to common practice, the general tenor of these rules, or a decent respect for human dignity.
3. Meta-Rules
3.1. Alternative Rules: If a rule offers alternative provisions, the alternative offered first prevails over any later one.
3.2. Alternative Meanings: If a rule refers to an institution, office, power, or privilege that does not exist in a jurisdiction running Ulex, the rule instead refers to the closest functionally equivalent institution, office, power, or privilege that does or could exist in one.
3.3. Conflicting Rules: If different rules give conflicting results, the rule listed later in this index prevails, but no rule can prevail over this one.
4. Optional Criminal Law Module
4.1. Criminal Procedural Rules:
4.1.1. ULC, Model Rules of Criminal Procedure (1987).
4.1.2. ALI, Model Penal Code (2009) (procedural provisions).
4.2 Criminal Substantive Rules: ALI, Model Penal Code (2009) (substantive provisions).
5. Optional Integration Module (for adoption by host sovereign)
5.1. Sole Grounds for Revoking Agreement to Resolve Dispute. A written agreement to resolve a dispute under Ulex shall be valid, irrevocable, and enforceable except upon such grounds as exist at the time of its forming in law or equity for revocation of a contract.
5.2. Sole Grounds for Modifying or Correcting Judgment Rendered. A court may modify or correct a judgment rendered under Ulex only upon application by a party subject to it and upon proof that: 1) The judgment includes an evident and material numerical error or misidentification of a person or thing named therein; 2) The judges decided a question outside of their authority in a manner that substantively altered their decision upon matters properly addressed; or 3) The judgment bears an imperfection in form not affecting its substance. The court may then only modify or correct the judgment, and then only so far as necessary to effectuate the evident intent of the judgment and promote justice between the parties.
5.3. Force and Effect of Court Confirmation. A party moving for a court order confirming a judgment rendered under Ulex shall file proof that the parties agreed to submit to that judgment, that it was rendered in accord with the referenced rules, and that the judgment issued as described. Absent application of Rules 5.1 and 5.2, above, the court receiving the motion shall give it the same force and effect in all respects as any judgment issued by the court, and the judgment shall be so treated by all persons, institutions, officers, or agents presented with the same.