Welcome to the ✍️ School Management System🏫 Api
API! This guide will provide the necessary information to understand and utilize our API effectively. We have followed industry best practices to ensure clear, consistent, and user-friendly Apis.
Token-based auth, Access & Refresh Token.
Role Management System.
Converted Images to WebP.
Strict Data validation (No Undefined Data Allowed).
Customisable Searching, Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination Functionality.
Module Based Features (Can extend Anytime).
Generate Notifications for each Activity.
Authentication Apis.
Admins Apis.
Teachers Apis.
Students Apis.
Parents Apis.
Classes Apis.
Subjects Apis.
Events Apis.
Notifications Apis.
Attandance Apis.
Exams Apis.
Marks Apis.
Congratulations! You have reached the end of the ✍️ School Management System🏫
API Documentation. You should now have a good understanding of how to authenticate, make requests, handle responses, and work with the available endpoints. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact me on...
Happy coding!