Common classes shared between prooph components
Due to a bug in PHP 7.1.3 this library is not compatible with that specific php version.
The 4.0 release is only for the newer prooph-components (event-store v7, service-bus v6, and so on). If you are using an older version of prooph/event-store or prooph/service bus, stick to 3.x series.
Prooph components work with php-fig standards and other de facto standards like Container-Interop whenever possible. But they also share some prooph software specific classes. These common classes are included in this repository.
Documentation is in the doc tree, and can be compiled using bookdown.
$ php ./vendor/bin/bookdown docs/bookdown.json $ php -S -t docs/html/
Then browse to http://localhost:8080/
- Minimum requirement is now PHP 7.1
- Add payload-method to Message interface
- Removed version-method from Message interface
- Removed ActionEventListener interface
- Action Event Emitter can accept a list of available event names
- Update to ramsey/uuid 3.5.1
- Update to PHPUnit 6.0
- Ask questions on Stack Overflow tagged with #prooph.
- File issues at
Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new features and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and may adapt the documentation.