7.3.0 Release
- Non transactional in memory event store #307
- Allow marc-mabe/php-enum v3 #311 (bgaleotti)
- Introducing NonTransactionalInMemoryEventStore #308 (tomcizek)
- Promote LTS for current major version #199
- Restructure docs #304 (codeliner)
- Link to SO #303 (codeliner)
- Add video introduction #302 (codeliner)
- add version guidance #298 (prolic)
- Catch Throwable in transactional() #309 (jiripudil)
- Documentation out of sync #300
- Aggregate root not found in MariaDb #297
- Promote LTS for current major version #199
- Fix exception in InMemoryEventStoreReadModelProjector #310 (enumag)
- Fix typos #306 (denniskoenig)
- Keep packages sorted in composer.json #305 (localheinz)
- Proofread the docs #301 (camuthig)