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Make a movie of the convergence of a VMEC++ run for W7-X.
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jons-pf committed Feb 6, 2025
1 parent 78965cd commit 39306c0
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Showing 6 changed files with 2,116 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024-present Proxima Fusion GmbH <[email protected]>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Run VMEC++ via the Python API and take snapshots along the run."""

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

import vmecpp

cache_folder = Path("/home/jons/results/vmec_w7x/movie_cache")
Path.mkdir(cache_folder, parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# NOTE: This resolves to src/vmecpp/cpp/vmecpp/test_data in the repo.
Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "vmecpp" / "cpp" / "vmecpp" / "test_data"

# input_file = TEST_DATA_DIR / "w7x.json"
input_file = TEST_DATA_DIR / "w7x_generic_initial_guess.json"
input = vmecpp.VmecInput.from_file(input_file)

# adjust as needed - we don't vendor the mgrid file, since it is too large
input.mgrid_file = "/home/jons/results/vmec_w7x/"
# input.mgrid_file = "/home/jons/results/vmec_w7x/"

input.return_outputs_even_if_not_converged = True

# # higher-res for nicer plots
# input.ntheta = 100
# input.nzeta = 72

maximum_iterations = 20000

# step = 100
step = 10

verbose = False
max_threads = 6

saved_steps = []

currently_allowed_num_iterations = 1
while currently_allowed_num_iterations < maximum_iterations:
# only run up to given limit of number of iterations
input.niter_array[0] = currently_allowed_num_iterations

cpp_indata = input._to_cpp_vmecindatapywrapper()
# start all over again, because flow control flags are not saved (yet) for restarting
output =

# print convergence progress
"% 5d | % .3e | % .3e | % .3e"
% (

# save outputs for later plotting / f"vmecpp_w7x_{currently_allowed_num_iterations:04d}.h5")

# early exis this loop when VMEC is converged
if (
output is not None
and output.wout.fsqr < input.ftol_array[0]
and output.wout.fsqz < input.ftol_array[0]
and output.wout.fsql < input.ftol_array[0]
print("converged after", output.wout.maximum_iterations, "iterations")

currently_allowed_num_iterations += step

np.savetxt(cache_folder / "saved_steps.dat", saved_steps, fmt="%d")
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024-present Proxima Fusion GmbH <[email protected]>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Plot snapshots of VMEC++ taken along the run."""

from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import vmecpp

cache_folder = Path("/home/jons/results/vmec_w7x/movie_cache")
if not Path.exists(cache_folder):
raise RuntimeError(
"Output cache folder "
+ cache_folder
+ " does not exist. Run to generate it."

plots_folder = cache_folder / "plots"
Path.mkdir(plots_folder, parents=True, exist_ok=True)

saved_steps = np.loadtxt(cache_folder / "saved_steps.dat", dtype=int)

def flux_surfaces_rz(
oq: vmecpp._vmecpp.OutputQuantities, phi: float = 0.0, num_theta: int = 101
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate the flux-surface geometry at a fixed toroidal angle.
Returned shape: [ns][2: R, Z][num_theta]
rz = np.zeros([oq.wout.ns, 2, num_theta])

theta_grid = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, num_theta, endpoint=True)
phi_grid = np.zeros([num_theta]) + phi
kernel = np.outer(oq.wout.xm, theta_grid) - np.outer(oq.wout.xn, phi_grid)
for js in range(oq.wout.ns):
rz[js, 0, :] = oq.wout.rmnc[js, :] @ np.cos(kernel)
rz[js, 1, :] = oq.wout.zmns[js, :] @ np.sin(kernel)

return rz

# plt.figure(figsize=(4, 6))
for saved_step in saved_steps:
# print(saved_step, "/", saved_steps[-1])

vmecpp_out_filename = cache_folder / f"vmecpp_w7x_{saved_step:04d}.h5"
if not Path.exists(vmecpp_out_filename):
raise RuntimeError(
"VMEC++ output file "
+ str(vmecpp_out_filename)
+ " does not exist. Run to generate it."

oq = vmecpp._vmecpp.OutputQuantities.load(vmecpp_out_filename)

# phi = 0.0
# num_theta = 101
# rz = flux_surfaces_rz(oq=oq, phi=phi, num_theta=num_theta)
# for js in range(oq.wout.ns):
# plt.plot(rz[js, 0, :], rz[js, 1, :], color="k", lw=0.5)
# plt.axis("equal")
# plt.grid(True)
# plt.savefig(plots_folder / f"flux_surfaces_{saved_step:04d}.png")

ns = oq.wout.ns
ntheta = oq.indata.ntheta // 2 + 1
nzeta = oq.indata.nzeta
jxb_gradp = np.reshape(oq.jxbout.jxb_gradp, [ns, ntheta * nzeta])

plt.semilogy(np.abs(np.average(jxb_gradp, axis=-1)[3:-1]))
plt.title(f"{saved_step} / {saved_steps[-1]}")
plt.savefig(plots_folder / f"jxb_gradp_fsa_{saved_step:04d}.png")
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# This script demonstrates how to plot a scalar field mapped onto a toroidal surface in 3D
# using matplotlib in Python. The scalar field is defined to be independent of the Z-coordinate.

from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

import vmecpp

cache_folder = Path("/home/jons/results/vmec_w7x/movie_cache")
if not Path.exists(cache_folder):
raise RuntimeError(
"Output cache folder "
+ cache_folder
+ " does not exist. Run to generate it."

plots_folder = cache_folder / "plots"
Path.mkdir(plots_folder, parents=True, exist_ok=True)

saved_steps = np.loadtxt(cache_folder / "saved_steps.dat", dtype=int)

saved_step = saved_steps[-1]

vmecpp_out_filename = cache_folder / f"vmecpp_w7x_{saved_step:04d}.h5"
if not Path.exists(vmecpp_out_filename):
raise RuntimeError(
"VMEC++ output file "
+ str(vmecpp_out_filename)
+ " does not exist. Run to generate it."

oq = vmecpp._vmecpp.OutputQuantities.load(vmecpp_out_filename)

ns = oq.wout.ns
nfp = oq.wout.nfp

ntheta1 = 2 * (oq.indata.ntheta // 2)
ntheta3 = ntheta1 // 2 + 1
nzeta = oq.indata.nzeta

theta_grid = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, ntheta1 + 1, endpoint=True)
phi_grid = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, nfp * nzeta + 1, endpoint=True)

theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta_grid, phi_grid)

kernel = np.outer(oq.wout.xm, theta) - np.outer(oq.wout.xn, phi)

# Create a new figure for 3D plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")

cmap = cm.jet
# cmap = cm.inferno

dk = 18

for i, js in enumerate([1, 10, 35, 48]):
k_start = i * dk

# compute corresponding flux surface geometry
r = np.zeros([ntheta3, nzeta])
z = np.zeros([ntheta3, nzeta])

r = (oq.wout.rmnc[js, :] @ np.cos(kernel)).reshape([nfp * nzeta + 1, ntheta1 + 1])
x = r * np.cos(phi)
y = r * np.sin(phi)
z = (oq.wout.zmns[js, :] @ np.sin(kernel)).reshape([nfp * nzeta + 1, ntheta1 + 1])

# MHD force residual
jxb_gradp = np.reshape(oq.jxbout.jxb_gradp, [ns, nzeta, ntheta3])[js, :, :]

# extend to full poloidal range
jxb_gradp_full = np.zeros([nfp * nzeta + 1, ntheta1 + 1])
jxb_gradp_full[:nzeta, :ntheta3] = jxb_gradp
jxb_gradp_full[:nzeta, ntheta3:] = jxb_gradp[:, 1:][::-1, ::-1]

# extend to full toroidal range
for kp in range(1, nfp):
jxb_gradp_full[kp * nzeta : (kp + 1) * nzeta, :] = jxb_gradp_full[:nzeta, :]

# ensure periodicity
jxb_gradp_full[-1, :] = jxb_gradp_full[0, :]

X = x[k_start:, :]
Y = y[k_start:, :]
Z = z[k_start:, :]
scalar_field = jxb_gradp_full[k_start:, :]

# Normalize the scalar field values to a [0, 1] range
# FIXME: normalize over all occuring values in plot
norm = Normalize(scalar_field.min(), scalar_field.max())

# Map the normalized scalar field through a colormap
mapped_colors = cmap(norm(scalar_field))

# Plot the torus surface and use the mapped colors
surf = ax.plot_surface(
alpha=1.0, # ensure fully opaque
zsort="average", # or 'min' or 'max'

# Create a ScalarMappable for the colorbar using the same normalization and colormap
m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
m.set_array([]) # Dummy array for the colorbar

# Attach the colorbar to the same Axes to avoid "Unable to determine Axes" errors
fig.colorbar(m, ax=ax, shrink=0.6, aspect=10, label="Scalar Field Value")

# Set the viewpoint by specifying elevation and azimuth angles
# elev is the angle (in degrees) above the xy-plane
# azim is the angle (in degrees) around the z-axis
ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=45)

# Force a 1:1:1 aspect ratio by setting the axis limits to a cube.
max_range = np.array([X.max() - X.min(), Y.max() - Y.min(), Z.max() - Z.min()]).max()

mid_x = (X.max() + X.min()) * 0.5
mid_y = (Y.max() + Y.min()) * 0.5
mid_z = (Z.max() + Z.min()) * 0.5

ax.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range / 2, mid_x + max_range / 2)
ax.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range / 2, mid_y + max_range / 2)
ax.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range / 2, mid_z + max_range / 2)


# Display the final plot

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