Linux shell script for throttling system CPU frequency based on a desired maximum temperature (celsius).
Set a maximum temperature for your system using this script. If the maximum temperature is exceeded, the script will limit the speed of your CPU cores incrementally until the system is again below your desired maximum temperature. (If your system remains above maximum temperature after completely limiting your CPU cores, it will simply stay limited until temperatures drop below the maximum desired.)
This script must be run with root or sudo privileges. Only Celsius temperatures are supported. This example will limit system temperatures to 80 Celsius:
sudo ./ 80
For more instructions, see here:
Author: Sepero (sepero 111 @ gmx . com)
License: GNU GPL 2.0
Usage: max_temp
Author: ps1code ([email protected])
fix: Existing problem of not using all cores to get max temperature.
feat: Now allows you to obtain cpu temperature from lm-sensors.
You can use an optional second comand line argument "lm-sensors" to read temperature from lm-sensors.
sudo ./ 80 lm-sensors
feat: Once program is started, it is now possible to adjust max and low cpu temperatures. The low temperature value is used to determine when the system can start increasing cpu speed. If the low temperature is equal or greater than the max it will be adjusted to low = (max - 5 degrees celsius).
Note: cpu temperature is measured in millidegree celsius.
so for example 55 degrees celsius would be 55000.
Files to adjust temperatures:
#To install and use with systemd:
$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
Modify temp_throttle.service to suit your situation.
$ sudo cp temp_throttle.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo systemctl enable temp_throttle
$ sudo systemctl start temp_throttle
To stop service:
$ sudo systemctl stop temp_throttle
To disable:
$ sudo systemctl disable temp_throttle