This repository contains scripts for testing Ceph. We recommend porting the scripts to ceph-qe-scripts
once it has been found to be reliable and passes the established criteria
Scripts here can be in any language (Python/Perl/PHP/Shell etc)
Script can assume the Ceph Cluster is formed and has to mention the requirement of OSD/Mon/RGW nodes in its header comment
# Owner: Name
# Email: EmailId
# Script to test the RBD Negative CLI's
# This script requires 3 nodes with 2 mons and 2 osd's on each node
# This script also needs a client and should be run on client
# Test Description:
# a) Invoke various rbd cli commands with negative options
# b) Verify the cli throws appropriate error message
# c)
# Success: exit code: 0
# Failure: Non Zero Exit or ERROR message in output
An attempt is made to follow a set of style guidelines for clarity. As we grow and have more contributors, it becomes essential for us to follow some standard practices. We use:
- black
- isort
- yamllint
Install in your environment using
$ pip3 install black
# format file
$ black <filename>
where `filename` is
- a relative or absolute path of the file
- a relative or absolute path of a directory # for running for set of files
# format full project
$ black .
Install in your enviornemnt using
$ pip3 install isort
# formatting code with isort
$ isort <filename>
where `filename`
- a relative or absolute path of the file
- a relative or absolute path of a directory
Install in your enviornemnt using
$ pip3 install yamllint
# linting yamls with yamllint
$ yamllint <filename>
where `filename`
- a relative or absolute path of the file
- a relative or absolute path of a directory