Implementations of Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
A basic building block for the linked list implementation. Each node contains the list element and pointer - a reference to the next node. It is implemented as a class with the setters and getters to access and modify the element and the pointer:
- get_value() is a getter which returns the element value.
- get_pointer() is a getter which returns the pointer to the next node (next element) in the list.
- set_pointer(pointer) is a setter which sets the pointer for the current node to the next node.
A singly linked list is a collection of nodes where each node points to the next node. The implemented list operations:
- LinkedList() creates a new empty list.
- add(element) adds a new element to the list.
- append(element) adds a new element to the end of the list making it the last element in the list
- delete(element) removes an element from the list.
- index(element) returns a position of the element in the list.
- insert(index, element) adds a new element to the list at position index.
- is_empty checks whether the list is empty.
- pop() removes and returns the rear (last) element in the list.
- pop(index) removes and returns the element at the index postion in the list.
- search(element) searches for the element in the linked list.
- size() returns the number of elements in the list
- __str__() returns a string representation of the list.