Lightweight mocking libraries for PSR implementations, tailor-made to help you create test suites that are easier to write and maintain.
Each of these libraries provide a mock of a particular PHP-FIG PSR implementation. The suite currently offers PSR-18 HTTP Clients, PSR-17 HTTP Factories and PSR-7 HTTP Message implementations, with more on the way.
These are largely intended for use in libraries like SDKs that consume PSR implementations without requiring hard dependencies on specific libraries. These libraries also provide additional APIs that further simplify unit testing, while strictly adhering to the PSR specification and offering the most accurate representation of what a real world usage will look like.
These packages pair nicely with the PSR Discovery suite, which can automatically detect the presence of any of these mock implementations in your development environment and will prefer them during unit test runs without extra configuration.
These libraries are not produced or endorsed by, or otherwise affiliated with, the PHP-FIG.