I am Pushkar Singh, a full stack web developer making tools that help people find the best version of themselves.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Disciplinify.
- 🌱 I’m currently diving into react native and machine learning.
- ⚡ I'm familiar with the javacript ecosystem -- Typescript, Javscript, React, Express, Node.
- 🥑 19 y/o, currently in third year of college
The career crowding simulation uses websockets to create a live simulation which exposes how imitation affetcs our choices in everyday life. The Tech stack for this project is : React, Express, Mongodb. You can find the links here : github link, live demo
Discourse is a basic forum or a social media app. Inspired by twitter, the app is used as a form of discourse in my university. The app is made with reactjs with data management using contextAPI and a nodejs server, mongodb backend. Discourse App. Video Demo. Gtihub Link
This app is my implementation of a full stack ecommerce application, with all the necessary features of an ecommerce application. The tech stack of the app : Reactjs, Expressjs, Mongodb. You can find the links here : Live Link, Video Demo. Github Link
- autocomplete
- speak like shkespeare
- Paint
- Sophia Yuna Cheong's Portfolio
- My Portfolio
- Little Lemon's website -- in development.
You can get in touch with me on gmail or twitter
⭐️ From Pushkar Singh (https://github.com/pushkarsingn019)