docker build --progress plain --target server -t mumbleserver:latest .
First run:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 64738:64738/tcp -p 64738:64738/udp \ --name mumbleserver \ -e CERTBOT_EMAIL="[email protected]" \ -e \ -e SERVER_PASSWORD="some good passphrase" \ -e SUPERUSER_PASSWORD="even better passphrase" \ mumbleserver:latest
If you have handled certificates some other way you can add "-e NO_CERTBOT=1", just make sure to mount the certificate and key in the cerbot expected location for SERVER_DOMAIN.
If you just want murmurd to autogenerate its own self-signed certificate pass "-e NO_TLS=1"
If you want more or less users than the default of 100 pass "-e SERVER_USERS=200"
Coming back later:
docker start mumbleserver
We also have a image for pinging a server
docker build --progress plain --ssh default --target ping --tag mumbleping:latest -f Dockerfile_ping .
docker run --rm -it -e mumbleping:latest
We use pre-commit to keep things clean, you need some basic dependencies (run in this directory):
pip3 install --user pre-commit detect-secrets pre-commit install
As usual using virtualenvs is generally recommended but in this case not strictly mandatory.
Before committing check your work with:
pre-commit run --all-files ; echo $?
This saves you annoyance of rewriting commit messages when one of the checks fail.