"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Docker compositions, helpers etc to bring it all together into something resembling grand old ones.
This Disobey24 talk explains a lot.
When cloning for the first time use:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:pvarki/docker-rasenmaeher-integration.git
When updating or checking out branches use:
git submodule update
And if you forgot to --recurse-submodules run git submodule init to fix things.
The submodules are repos in their own right, if you plan to make changes into them change to the directory and create new branch, commit and push changes as usual under that directory.
- api https://github.com/pvarki/python-rasenmaeher-api
- cfssl https://github.com/pvarki/docker-rasenmaeher-cfssl
- fpintegration https://github.com/pvarki/python-rasenmaeher-rmfpapi
- keycloak https://github.com/pvarki/docker-keycloak
- kw_product_init https://github.com/pvarki/golang-kraftwerk-init-helper-cli
- openldap https://github.com/pvarki/docker-openldap
- miniwerk https://github.com/pvarki/python-rasenmaeher-miniwerk
- ui https://github.com/pvarki/rasenmaeher-ui
- takserver https://github.com/pvarki/docker-atak-server
- takintegration https://github.com/pvarki/python-tak-rmapi
- Module API docs: https://pvarki.github.io/docker-rasenmaeher-integration/docs/
- Swagger definition for RASENMAEHER API: https://pvarki.github.io/docker-rasenmaeher-integration/
alias rmdev="docker compose -p rmdev -f docker-compose-local.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml" rmdev build takinit rmdev build rmdev up
alias rmlocal="docker compose -p rmlocal -f docker-compose-local.yml" rmlocal build takinit rmlocal build rmlocal up
OpenLDAP and keycloak-init sometimes fail on first start, just run up again.
IMPORTANT: Only keep either rmlocal or rmdev created at one time or you may have weird network issues run "down" for one env before starting the other.
Remember to run "down -v" if you want to reset the persistent volumes, or if you have weird issues when switching between environments.
The dev version launches all the services and runs rasenmaeher-api in uvicorn reload mode so any edits you make under /api will soon be reflected in the running instance.
If rasenmaeher-ui devel server complains make sure to delete ui/node_modules -directory from host first the dockder node distribution probably is not compatible with whatever you have installed on the host.
In dev mode:
docker exec -it rmdev-rmapi-1 /bin/bash -c "source /.venv/bin/activate && rasenmaeher_api addcode"
Under dev mode, the UI runs at https://localmaeher.dev.pvarki.fi:4439.
In VM production mode:
docker exec -it rmvm-rmapi-1 /bin/bash -c "rasenmaeher_api addcode"
Use "pre-commit run --all-files" liberally (and make sure you have run "pre-commit install"). If you get complaints about missing environment variables run "source example_env.sh"
Pytest is used to handle the integration tests, the requirements are in tests/requirements.txt. NOTE: The tests have side-effects and expect a clean database to start with so always make sure to run "down -v" for the composition first, then bring it back up before running integration tests.