A Contact Form 7 add-on to validate Australian phone numbers and block non-Australian IP addresses.
# 1. Get it ready (to use a repo outside of packagist)
composer config repositories.cf7-spam-filter git https://github.com/pvtl/cf7-spam-filter.git
# 2. Install the Plugin - we want all updates from this major version (while non-breaking)
composer require pvtl/cf7-spam-filter
Add this PHP code to the themes functions.php:
add_action( 'wpcf7_init', function () {
wpcf7_add_form_tag( 'nonce', 'cf7_add_nonce_field', true );
function cf7_add_nonce_field( $tag ) {
return wp_nonce_field( 'cf7_form_submission', 'cf7_nonce', true, false );
Add in the shortcode to your Contact Form 7 Form:
In order for the International IPs to be blocked please go to https://ipinfo.io/ and generate a new access token.
Add the token into the .env file