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Notes on how containers can support:

  • Running Released Versions of FreeSurfer
  • Running FreeView
  • Compiling FreeSurfer (e.g. HEAD of dev branch)
  • Running Compiled Versions of FreeSurfer

Containers For Released Versions of FreeSurfer

The container freesurfer/freesurfer was built using the dockerfile in the FreeSurfer repo

e.g. from the FreeSurfer source directory

docker build -t freesurfer/freesurfer:dev

You can also build containers with previous release versions of FreeSurfer using NeuroDocker.


docker run repronim/neurodocker generate docker \
  --base continuumio/miniconda:4.7.12 \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --freesurfer version=7.1.1 \
    | docker build -t pwighton/freesurfer:7.1.1 -

Neurodocker is a convenient way to build containers if additional software is required. For example, to install the Matlab compiler runtime to support the SAMSEG stream:

docker run repronim/neurodocker generate docker \
  --base continuumio/miniconda:4.7.12 \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --freesurfer version=7.1.1 \
  --matlabmcr version=2014b install_path=/opt/MCRv84 \
  --run "ln -s /opt/MCRv84/v84 /opt/freesurfer-7.1.1/MCRv84" \
    | docker build -t pwighton/freesurfer-mcr:7.1.1 -

The container pwighton/freesurfer:7.1.1-min is a minimized version (359.8 MB compressed) of pwighton/freesurfer:7.1.1 that supports both the cross and long streams of recon-all. See notes/ for details on how this container was created using neurodocker.

License Management

The containers above require a valid FreeSurfer license, which is not included in the container. You can request a license for free here, which will email you a file called license.txt. There are two ways to get that license file inside the container:

1) Bind mount the license.txt file and set an environment variable

We can bind mount the license file (docker run -v) into the container, and then set the environment variable FS_LICENSE to tell FreeSurfer where to look for the license file.

e.g Assuming the file is saved on your computer at ~/license.txt

docker run -it --rm \ 
  -v ~/license.txt:/license.txt:ro \
  -e FS_LICENSE='/license.txt' \
  freesurfer/freesurfer:7.2.0 \
    recon-all -all -s bert

2) Create a derived container with the license file

e.g. make a dockerfile like

FROM freesurfer/freesurfer:7.1.1
COPY license /usr/local/freesurfer/.license

Then run docker build

Containers for FreeView

The best way to run FreeView in a container is via neurodesk


mkdir -p ~/neurodesktop-storage
sudo docker run \
  --shm-size=1gb -it --privileged --name neurodesktop \
  -v ~/neurodesktop-storage:/neurodesktop-storage \
  -e HOST_UID="$(id -u)" -e HOST_GID="$(id -g)" \
  -p 8080:8080 -h neurodesktop-20211028 \

Then visit http://localhost:8080/#/?username=user&password=password and install FreeSurfer and Launch FreeView via the GUI

Containers for Compiling FreeSurfer

This branch of neurodocker can compile FreeSurfer from source. The corresponding container for this branch of neurodocker is pwighton/neurodocker


docker run pwighton/neurodocker \
  generate docker \
    --base-image ubuntu:xenial \
    --pkg-manager apt \
    --yes \
    --freesurfer \
      method=source \
      repo= \
      license_base64=$FS_LICENSE \
      version=dev \
      minimal=off \
      dev_tools=on \
| docker build --no-cache -t pwighton/fs-dev-monolith-example -

There are several options that can be passed to freesurfer when installed from source. This is under active development and may change:

  • You can pass the license file as a base64 encoded string (cat ./license.txt |base64 -w0) at container build time via license_base64
  • setting dev_tools to on keeps the freesurfer source directory in the container under /stage it also installs jupyter notebook inside the container and awscli.
  • setting minimal to on will only compile the binaries required to run recon-all
  • setting infant_module to on will compile infant-specific binaries and install required python packages
  • setting samseg_atlas_build to on with configure the container to build samseg atlases, everything else will likely break (WIP)

Common use cases

docker build use cases

Build a monolithic container for FreeSurfer Development

docker run pwighton/neurodocker:latest generate docker \
  --base-image ubuntu:xenial \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --yes \
  --freesurfer \
    method=source \
    license_base64=replace_this_string_with_the_output_of_cat_./license.txt_|base64_-w0 \ 
    repo= \
    version=20210813-gems \
    minimal=off \
    samseg_atlas_build=off \
    infant_module=off \
    dev_tools=on \
| docker build --no-cache -t pwighton/fs-dev-monolith -

This will:

  • Compile the branch 20210813-gems of the pwighton/freesurfer fork
  • Base64 decode the contents of the license_base64 and save it to license_path/license_file, which can also be specified (defaults to /opt/license.txt)
  • Install development tools which:
    • Keeps the freesurfer source directory under /stage
    • Installs jupyter notebook
    • Install awscli

Build a container for infant pipeline dev/test

docker run pwighton/neurodocker:latest generate docker \
  --base-image ubuntu:xenial \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --yes \
  --niftyreg \
    version=master \
  --fsl \
    version=5.0.10 \
    method=binaries \
  --freesurfer \
    method=source \
    repo= \
    branch=20210813-gems \
    license_base64=replace_this_string_with_the_output_of_cat_./license.txt_|base64_-w0 \ 
    infant_module=ON \
    dev_tools=ON \
  --entrypoint '/bin/infant-container-entrypoint-aws.bash' \
| docker build --no-cache -t pwighton/fs-infant-dev -

This will:

  • Install the prerequisites and python packages required to run the infant stream
  • Compile the branch 20210813-gems of the pwighton/freesurfer fork
  • Base64 decode the contents of the license_base64 and save it to license_path/license_file, which can also be specified (defaults to /opt/license.txt)
  • Install development tools which:
    • Keeps the freesurfer source directory under /stage
    • Installs jupyter notebook
    • Install awscli

Build a container to run petsurfer

docker run pwighton/neurodocker:latest generate docker \
  --yes \
  --base-image python:3.8-buster \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --fsl \
    version=5.0.10 \
    method=binaries \
  --freesurfer \
    version=7.2.0 \
| docker build -t pwighton/petsurfer:7.2.0 -

This will:

  • Install the prerequisites for petsurfer
  • Install a release version of freesurfer

Build a container to run the dev version of petsurfer

docker run pwighton/neurodocker:latest generate docker \
  --yes \
  --base-image ubuntu:xenial \
  --pkg-manager apt \
  --neurodebian \
    os_codename=xenial \
    version=usa-nh \
  --freesurfer \
    method=source \
    repo= \
    branch=dev \
    license_base64=replace_this_string_with_the_output_of_cat_./license.txt_|base64_-w0 \ 
    dev_tools=ON \
    minimal=OFF \
    samseg_atlas_build=OFF \
    infant_module=OFF \
  --fsl \
    version=5.0.10 \
    method=binaries \
| docker build --no-cache -t pwighton/petsurfer-bids-base:dev -

This will:

  • Install the pre-requisites required to run petsurfer
  • Compile the branch dev branch of freesurfer/freesurfer
  • Base64 decode the contents of the license_base64 and save it to license_path/license_file, which can also be specified (defaults to /opt/license.txt)
  • Install development tools which:
    • Keeps the freesurfer source directory under /stage
    • Installs jupyter notebook
    • Install awscli

docker run use cases

Interactive terminal

docker run -it --rm \
  -v ~/license.txt:/license.txt:ro \
  -e FS_LICENSE='/license.txt' \
  freesurfer/freesurfer:7.2.0 \

This will

  • Mount the freesurfer license file at ~/license.txt to /license.txt inside the container
  • Set the environment variable FS_LICENSE to /license.txt
  • Return a bash prompt

A Jupyter notebook withing a FreeSurfer dev env

docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8888:8888 \
  -v ${HOME}/my_notebook_dir:${HOME}/my_notebook_dir \
  -w ${HOME}/my_notebook_dir \
    pwighton/fs-dev-monolith:aa8f76b \
      jupyter notebook --allow-root --no-browser --ip=

This will:

  • Mount the directory ~/my_notebook_dir into the container, at ~/my_notebook_dir
  • Set the working directory to ~/my_notebook_dir
  • Start a jupyter notebook, which you can connect to via http://localhost:8888
    • See the terminal output for the token or full URL.
  • With FreeSurfer python bindings compiled and configured
    • e.g. try running import FreeSurfer in a notebook

Run petsurfer on a bids dataset

The file petsurfer-bids/dockefile inherits from pwighton/petsurfer:7.2.0 and installs the following two repositories

Building this gives the container pwighton/petsurfer-bids, which can be used to run on PET-BIDS datasets and invoked as follows:

Setup; download a PET-BIDS dataset from openneuro. For this example I'm using ds001421:

mkdir /home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test
cd /home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test
aws s3 sync s3:// ./ds001421


docker run -it --rm \
  -v /home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test:/home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test \
  -v ${HOME}/license.txt:/license.txt:ro \
  -e FS_LICENSE='/license.txt' \
  pwighton/petsurfer-bids:7.2.0 \
    /opt/petpipeline/petpipeline/ \
      -c /opt/petpipeline/petpipeline/config.yaml \
      -e /home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test \
      -o output \
      -w temp \
      -d /home/paul/lcn/20211019-petpipeline-test/ds001421


Dockerfiles for FreeSurfer







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  • Makefile 31.1%
  • Dockerfile 28.3%
  • Roff 28.3%
  • Shell 12.3%