A helper script to download markdown export from a academic paper on gingkoapp.com. The script exports column 5 as-is, and grabs the title and yaml header data from column 1, the abstract from column 2. It outputs a markdown file for further processing with pandoc.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone [email protected]:pycnic/gingkopaper2markdown.git
$ cd gingkopaper2markdown
Install into current environment:
$ python setup.py install
Show command options:
$ gingkopaper2markdown --help
Configure gingkoapp username and password:
$ cp .gingkopaper2markdown.rc ~/.config/.gingkopaper2markdown
Edit ~/.config/.gingkopaper2markdown
Clone the repository:
$ git clone [email protected]:pycnic/gingkopaper2markdown.git
$ cd gingkopaper2markdown
Set up the conda environment:
$ conda env create
$ source activate gingkopaper2markdown