Development and sources for the Pycnic Blog
The Pycnic blog is run with Pelican on Github Pages. The repository stores the static sites generated by Pelican.
Step 1: Clone the repository (including submodules):
$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:pycnic/ pycnic-blog
$ cd pycnic-blog
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Step 2: Set up the environment with conda:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
Step 1: Activate the environment:
$ source activate pycnic-blog
Step 2: Add your content to the content
Step 3: Check locally:
$ make devserver
Navigate to http://localhost:8000 to inspect your changes.
Step 4: If satisfied, commit and push added or changed sources in the content
CAUTION Step 0: Do not forget to commit and push your changes to this source repository (see Step 4 above). Otherwise, next time your collaborator publishes her new posts, it will not contain your changes / additions!
Step 1: Activate the environment:
$ source activate pycnic-blog
Step 2: Commit the output to the gh-pages branch and push it to the Github Pages repository
$ make github
Step 3: Check website at!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .