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The Python Spectroscopic Data Reduction Pipeline (PypeIt) development suite

This repository provides data and input files used for testing PypeIt.


To install, run:

git clone

This pulls the versioned files into a directory called PypeIt-development-suite. Both the testing script in this repo and the tests that are included with the PypeIt code expect an environmental variable that points to this directory. For example,

  • If you use c-shell, add the following to your ~/.cshrc:

    setenv PYPEIT_DEV ${HOME}/PypeIt-development-suite
  • If you use bash, add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

    export PYPEIT_DEV=${HOME}/PypeIt-development-suite

Data Access

Given its volume, this repo does not contain the raw data. Instead the raw test data are hosted by in a Google Drive.

The easiest way to access the development suite data is download and use Google Drive for desktop. Google Drive for desktop is a Dropbox-like application that syncs your Google Drive with a local directory on your machine.

Using Google Drive for desktop, the you will be able to access the development suite data at the path:

/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My\ Drive/PypeIt-development-suite/

If PypeIt-development-suite does not appear under My Drive, go to the Google Drive web interface, find it under Shared with me, right click it, and select Add shortcut to drive.

If you cannot or would rather not use Google Drive for desktop, you can simply download the appropriate files directly using the Google Drive web interface (although this can be a bit onerous and does not keep in sync with the remote Team Drive). Alternately you can use rclone to manually copy or sync with the Google Drive.

The Google Drive contains two directories that should be accessible for testing PypeIt (see below): RAW_DATA, and CALIBS.

  • If you download the data directly from the Google Drive, place them in your PypeIt-development-suite directory. Make sure that you *do not* add these directories to the repo!

  • If you're using Google File Stream, add symlinks to your PypeIt-development-suite directory as follows (be sure to include the in the MyDrive otherwise the space in "My Drive" will cause problems):

    cd $PYPEIT_DEV
    ln -s /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My\ Drive/PypeIt-development-suite/RAW_DATA  RAW_DATA
    ln -s /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My\ Drive/PypeIt-development-suite/CALIBS  CALIBS

Testing PypeIt

This suite includes several examples of the PypeIt data reduction process for some of the supported instruments.

If you have PypeIt installed, you should be able to run the tests in this directory using the pypeit_test script. It has one required argument, the type of tests to run.

$ $PYPEIT_DEV/pypeit_test all

The above runs all pypeit tests, including the unit tests in the PypeIt installation. To run a subset of tests you can specify one or more test type. For example:

# Run the non-pytest tests, similar to develop in prior versions
$ $PYPEIT_DEV/pypeit_test reduce afterburn ql

# Run reduce tests followed by the vet pytest tests
$ $PYPEIT_DEV/pypeit_test reduce vet

All of the supported test test types are shown in the table below.

Test Type Description
pypeit_tests Runs the pytest tests installed with PypeIt in pypeit/tests. These tests are self contained and can run in CI.
unit Runs the pytest tests installed in $PYPEIT_DEV/unit. These tests require the RAW_DATA directory.
reduce Runs the reduction tests that call run_pypeit directly.
afterburn Runs the PypeIt tests that directly call PypeIt post-reduction tools (e.g. flux calibration, coadding, etc).
ql Runs the Quick Look tests.
vet Runs the pytest tests that verify the results from earlier PypeIt tests.
all Runs all of the above, in the order listed above.
list This does not run any tests, instead it lists all of the supported instruments and setups. (See below).

Running Unit and Vet tests separately

The unit and vet tests can also be run directly using pytest. For example:


# Run all dev-suite unit tests
$ pytest unit_tests

# Run all dev-suite vet tests
$ pytest vet_tests

# Run the script tests in both unit_tests and vet_tests
$ pytest unit_tests/ vet_tests/

See the pytest docs for more information on running pytest.

Selecting test setups and instruments to test

The -i and -s options to pypeit_test can be used to select multiple instruments and setups to test. Setups can be specified in conjunction with an instrument or by using a / between instrument and setup name. For example:

# Run all of pytest tests and all of the shane_kast_blue and shane_kast_red tests
$ ./pypeit_test all -i shane_kast_blue shane_kast_red

# Run one reduce test from shane_kast_blue and shane_kast_red respectively
$ ./pypeit_test reduce -i shane_kast_blue shane_kast_red -s 600_4310_d55 600_7500_d57

# Run the same tests as above, using the / syntax
$ ./pypeit_test reduce -s shane_kast_blue/600_4310_d55 shane_kast_red/600_7500_d57

Run pypeit_test list to see a list of all supported instruments and setups.

Test Reports

A test report can be generated using the -r option, for example:

$PYPEIT_DEV/pypeit_test all -r test_report.txt

The contents of the report contain complete pytest output and additional information about the test setups run. Below is an example of some of the output:

PypeIt Unit Tests Results:
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /root/miniconda3/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
hypothesis profile 'default' -> database=DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase('/tmp/REDUX_OUT/.hypothesis/examples')
rootdir: /PypeIt, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: hypothesis-6.14.2, arraydiff-0.3, astropy-header-0.1.2, cov-2.12.1, doctestplus-0.10.0, filter-subpackage-0.1.1, openfiles-0.5.0, remotedata-0.3.2
collecting ... collected 193 items

../../PypeIt/pypeit/tests/ PASSED     [  0%]
../../PypeIt/pypeit/tests/ PASSED          [  1%]
../../PypeIt/pypeit/tests/ PASSED      [  1%]
../../PypeIt/pypeit/tests/ PASSED       [  2%]


Reduced data for the following setups:

Ran tests in 4 parallel processes

Test Setup: shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46

        Raw data: /tmp/PypeIt-development-suite/RAW_DATA/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46
    PypeIt output: /tmp/REDUX_OUT/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46
    .pypeit file: None
Std .pypeit file: None
shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46 pypeit  Result: --- PASSED

Logfile:    /tmp/REDUX_OUT/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46/shane_kast_blue_830_3460_d46.test.log
Process Id: 1188
Start time: Thu Jan  5 07:20:05 2023
End time:   Thu Jan  5 07:21:18 2023
Duration:   0:01:13.575440
Mem Usage:  1100517376
Command:    run_pypeit /tmp/REDUX_OUT/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46/shane_kast_blue_830_3460_d46.pypeit -o

Error Messages:

End of Log:
[INFO]    :: 111 main() - Generating QA HTML
Wrote: /tmp/REDUX_OUT/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46/QA/MF_A.html
Wrote: /tmp/REDUX_OUT/shane_kast_blue/830_3460_d46/QA/MF_A.html


Test Summary
--- PYTEST PYPEIT UNIT TESTS PASSED  205 passed, 137 warnings in 212.65s (0:03:32) ---
--- PYTEST UNIT TESTS PASSED  118 passed, 260 warnings in 956.59s (0:15:56) ---
--- PYTEST VET TESTS PASSED  29 passed, 160 warnings in 813.29s (0:13:33) ---
Coverage results:
TOTAL                                              41653  12057    71%

Testing Started at 2023-01-04T21:35:25.696424
Testing Completed at 2023-01-05T07:35:30.909205
Total Time: 10:00:05.212781

Code coverage

The dev suite can also collect coverage data for PypeIt using Coverage . To do this add --coverage <coverage report file> to the pypeit_test command:

$ ./pypeit_test all --coverage coverage_report_file.txt

The coverage report contains a file by file list of the coverage information, including missed lines. It ends with a summary of the total code coverage. The unit tests, and deprecated sections of the PypeIt code base are omitted. For example:

Name                                                               Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
/home/dusty/work/PypeIt/pypeit/                            20      5    75%   45-49
/home/dusty/work/PypeIt/pypeit/                          330    286    13%   50-79, 108-137, 149-152, 195-211, 227-233, 247-257, 315-418, 459-535, 568-602, 627-648, 686-715, 765-788, 841-863
/home/dusty/work/PypeIt/pypeit/                          240    104    57%   90, 204-205, 297, 311-319, 435-525, 562-581, 593, 598-600, 611-614, 627-630, 635, 661-681, 688, 714-717, 722-729
TOTAL                                                              41785  22139    47%

Performance Statistics

The dev suite collects performance information about how fast each test runs and how much memory it uses. This can be output to a CSV file using the -csv option.

$ ./pypeit_test all --csv performance.csv

The output contains the duration of each test and its memory usage. For example (spaces added for clarity):

Setup,                       Test Type,        Start Time,                 End Time,                   Duration(s), Memory Usage (bytes), Duration (D:H:M:S), Memory Usage (MiB)
gemini_gmos/GS_HAM_R400_860, pypeit,           2023-01-06 13:18:44.050069, 2023-01-06 14:42:15.791558, 5011.741489, 5697548288,           1:23:31.741489,     5433.60546875
gemini_gmos/GS_HAM_R400_860, pypeit standards, 2023-01-06 14:42:15.791808, 2023-01-06 14:45:43.122017, 207.330209,  2606161920,           0:03:27.330209,     2485.4296875
gemini_gmos/GS_HAM_R400_860, pypeit_sensfunc,  2023-01-06 14:45:43.124685, 2023-01-06 14:47:07.308025, 84.18334,    272601088,            0:01:24.183340,     259.97265625
gemini_gmos/GS_HAM_R400_860, pypeit_flux_setup,2023-01-06 14:47:07.308275, 2023-01-06 14:47:08.978942, 1.670667,    249856,               0:00:01.670667,     0.23828125
gemini_gmos/GS_HAM_R400_860, pypeit_flux,      2023-01-06 14:47:08.979198, 2023-01-06 14:47:12.503334, 3.524136,    210182144,            0:00:03.524136,     200.4453125

Parallel Testing

The development suite currently takes over 12 hours to run. This can be sped up by running parallel tests:

./pypeit_test -t 2 all

The number of threads that can be run depends on the amount of memory available. Based on testing, the memory requirements of the devsuite are:

Number of
Memory Usage
1 20 GiB
2 40 GiB
4 58 GiB
6 78 GiB
8 98 GiB
12 133 GiB
16 148 GiB

For systems with more virtual CPUs than physical CPU cores (i.e. Hyperthreading) the number of threads should not exceed the number of physical cores, or else there could be a performance hit as threads compete for resources.

To keep all cpus active as long as possible pypeit_test runs the slowest tests first. To do this it needs the test_priority_list file which contains a list of all the test setups ordered from slowest to fastest. This file is re-written everytime a run of the full test suite passes, and should be kept up to date by periodically pushing it to git.

The pytest portion of the dev-suite currently cannot be run in parallel.

Headless Testing

Some of the tests in the dev-suite will start GUI applications. To run in a headless environment where this isn't possible, QT must still be installed. To do so, first install PypeIt with QT5 support, as documented here. Next install the correct QT package for the OS.

OS Distribution Package name
Ubuntu 21.04 qt5-default
Ubuntu 22.04 qtbase5-dev
Centos 7 qt5-qtbase-devel

Finally, set the QT_QPA_PLATFORM environment variable to offscreen. There is a convenience file named that will do this. For example:

source $PYPEIT_DEV/

Running in Nautilus

The dev-suite can be run in the Nautilus cluster. To generate the YAML for a dev-suite job, use gen_kube_devsuite. If needed, a specific branch of both the PypeIt repository and the Pypeit-development-suite repository can be chosen using -p and -d respectively. These default to develop if not specified. The YAML file can then be ran using kubectl.

For example to run using the pypeit_branch on the PypeIt repo and the devsuite_branch on the PypeIt-development-suite repo:

$ cd $PYPEIT_DEV/nauitilus
$ ./gen_kube_devsuite devsuite-job-name devsuite_job_file.yml -p pypeit_branch -d devsuite_branch
$ kubectl create -f devsuite_job_file.yml

The results of the dev-suite are copied to Nautilus S3 under s3://pypeit/Reports/. And can be retrieved using the AWS CLI as follows:

aws --endpoint s3 cp s3://pypeit/Reports/ .

rclone can also be used access the Nautilus S3 storage. When configuring use as the endpoint.

The default job created by gen_kube_devsuite runs directly from git. However it can be changed to run by building a new PypeIt package and installing from that, simulating what a user would get when installing from PyPi. This is enabled with the --from_wheel or -w option.

gen_kube_devsuite has additional code for generating coverage information and the test priority list. If --coverage and --priority_list are used, these files are also copied to S3:

$ ./gen_kube_devsuite coverage-job-name coverage_job_file.yml --coverage
$ ./gen_kube_devsuite priority-job-name priority_job_file.yml --priority_list
$ kubectl create -f coverage_job_file.yml
$ kubectl create -f priority_job_file.yml
$ # Wait several hours
$ export ENDPOINT=
$ aws --endpoint $ENDPOINT s3 cp s3://pypeit/Reports .
$ aws --endpoint $ENDPOINT s3 cp s3://pypeit/Reports/ .
$ aws --endpoint $ENDPOINT s3 cp s3://pypeit/Reports/ .
$ aws --endpoint $ENDPOINT s3 cp s3://pypeit/Reports/priority-job-name.test_priority_list .

Notice that --coverage can affect the performance of tests, so it's best not to run it and --priority_list together.

To monitor a test in Nautilus as it is running, the logs can be tailed:

$ kubectl get pods

NAME                         READY    STATUS    RESTARTS
devsuite-job-name--1-fpjxw   1/1      RUNNING   0

$ kubectl logs -f devsuite-job-name--1-fpjxw

Additionally they can be monitored with the Nautilus Grafana page.

By default gen_kube_devsuite creates a job using a the latest Python container available on Docker Hub. It also supports running with different python versions by selecting a different container. For example:

$ ./gen_kube_devsuite devsuite-python3.11-job devsuite-python3.11-job.yml --container python3.11

Any of the standard python images in docker hub can be used. To use a different container the full download path must be given. For example:

$ ./gen_kube_devsuite devsuite-ubuntu-job devsuite-ubuntu-job.yml --container

Additional Options

$ $PYPEIT_DEV/pypeit_test -h
usage: pypeit_test [-h] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-i INSTRUMENTS [INSTRUMENTS ...]]
               [-s SETUPS [SETUPS ...]] [--debug] [-p] [-m] [-t THREADS]
               [-q] [-v] [--coverage COVERAGE] [-r REPORT] [-c CSV] [-w]
               tests [tests ...]

Run pypeit tests on a set of instruments. Typical call for testing pypeit when
developing new code is `./pypeit_test all`. Execution requires you to have a
PYPEIT_DEV environmental variable, pointing to the top-level directory of the
dev-suite repository (typically the location of this script). Raw data for
testing is expected to be at ${PYPEIT_DEV}/RAW_DATA. To run all tests for the
supported instruments, use 'all'. To only run the basic reductions, use
'reduce'. To only run the tests that use the results of the reductions, use
'afterburn''. Use 'list' to view all supported setups.

positional arguments:
tests                 Which test types to run. Options are: pypeit_tests,
                        unit, reduce, afterburn, ql, vet, or all. Use list to
                        show all supported instruments and setups.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Output folder. (default: REDUX_OUT)
                        One or more instruments to run tests for. Use
                        "pypeit_test list" to see all supported instruments.
                        (default: None)
-s SETUPS [SETUPS ...], --setups SETUPS [SETUPS ...]
                        One or more setups to run tests for. Use "pypeit_test
                        list" to see all supported setups. (default: None)
--debug               Debug using only blue setups (default: False)
-p, --prep_only       Only prepare to execute run_pypeit, but do not
                        actually run it. (default: False)
-m, --do_not_reuse_calibs
                        run pypeit without using any existing calibrations
                        (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Run THREADS number of parallel tests. (default: 1)
-q, --quiet           Supress all output to stdout. If -r is not a given, a
                        report file will be written to
                        <outputdir>/pypeit_test_results.txt (default: False)
-v, --verbose         Output additional detailed information while running
                        the tests and output a detailed report at the end of
                        testing. This has no effect if -q is given (default:
--coverage COVERAGE   Collect code coverage information. and write it to the
                        given file. (default: None)
-r REPORT, --report REPORT
                        Write a detailed test report to REPORT. (default:
-c CSV, --csv CSV     Write performance numbers to a CSV file. (default:
-w, --show_warnings   Show warnings when running unit tests and vet tests.
                        (default: False)