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Merge pull request #75 from lili-data/feature-native-parameters
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Implement native parameters
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pyrooka authored Sep 9, 2020
2 parents e82a821 + b7c1135 commit 2b9bcce
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Showing 5 changed files with 181 additions and 6 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ Explanation:
## Working
- **Auto generate data model** from the schema fetched from the Cube.js API meta endpoint
- **Auto create metrics** from the measures. (These metrics are "invalid" when you try to edit them but still usable in queries.)
- native queries
- native queries with variables
- custom questions
- filters, orders, limit
## Not working
- Aggregations like sum, count and distinct. This should be done in Cube.js not in Metabase.
- Aggregations like sum, count and distinct. This must be done in Cube.js not in Metabase.

# Installation
## Requirements
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject metabase/cubejs-driver "0.13.2"
(defproject metabase/cubejs-driver "0.14.0"
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resources/metabase-plugin.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Complete list of options here:
name: Metabase Cubejs Driver
version: 0.13.2
version: 0.14.0
description: Cubejs REST API driver
name: cubejs
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/metabase/driver/cubejs.clj
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.cubejs.utils :as cube.utils]
[metabase.models.metric :as metric :refer [Metric]]
[metabase.driver.cubejs.query-processor :as cubejs.qp]))
[query-processor :as cubejs.qp]
[parameters :as parameters]]))

(defn- cubejs-agg->meta-agg
"Returns the name of the cubejs aggregation in metabase."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,12 +56,13 @@

(driver/register! :cubejs)

(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :native-parameters] [_ _] true)

(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :foreign-keys] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :nested-fields] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :set-timezone] [_ _] false) ; ??
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :basic-aggregations] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :expressions] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :native-parameters] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :expression-aggregations] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :nested-queries] [_ _] false)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:cubejs :binning] [_ _] false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +111,10 @@
:measure-aliases (into {} (for [[_ _ names] (:aggregation base-query)] {(keyword (cubejs.qp/get-metric-cube-name (:display-name names) (:source-table base-query))) (keyword (:name names))}))
:date-granularity-fields (cubejs.qp/pre-datetime-granularity base-query)}))

(defmethod driver/substitute-native-parameters :cubejs
[driver inner-query]
(parameters/substitute-native-parameters driver inner-query))

(defmethod driver/execute-reducible-query :cubejs [_ query _ respond]
(log/debug "Query:" query)
(cubejs.qp/execute-http-request query respond))
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions src/metabase/driver/cubejs/parameters.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
(ns metabase.driver.cubejs.parameters
(:require [clojure
[string :as str]
[walk :as walk]]
[ :as log]
[java-time :as t]
[metabase.driver.common.parameters :as params]
[dates :as date-params]
[parse :as parse]
[values :as values]]
[error-type :as error-type]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[date-2 :as]
[i18n :refer [tru]]])
(:import java.time.temporal.Temporal
[metabase.driver.common.parameters CommaSeparatedNumbers Date]))

(defn- ->utc-instant [t]
(condp instance? t
java.time.LocalDate (t/zoned-date-time t (t/local-time "00:00") (t/zone-id "UTC"))
java.time.LocalDateTime (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id "UTC"))

(defn- param-value->str
[{special-type :special_type, :as field} x]
;; sequences get converted to `$in`
(sequential? x)
(format "%s" (str/join ", " (map (partial param-value->str field) x)))

;; Date = the Parameters Date type, not an java.util.Date or java.sql.Date type
;; convert to a `Temporal` instance and recur
(instance? Date x)
(param-value->str field ( (:s x)))

(and (instance? Temporal x)
(isa? special-type :type/UNIXTimestampSeconds))
(long (/ (t/to-millis-from-epoch (->utc-instant x)) 1000))

(and (instance? Temporal x)
(isa? special-type :type/UNIXTimestampMilliseconds))
(t/to-millis-from-epoch (->utc-instant x))

;; convert temporal types to ISODate("2019-12-09T...") (etc.)
(instance? Temporal x)
(format "\"%s\"" ( x))

;; there's a special record type for sequences of numbers; pull the sequence it wraps out and recur
(instance? CommaSeparatedNumbers x)
(param-value->str field (:numbers x))

;; for everything else, splice it in as its string representation
(pr-str x)))

(defn- field->name [field]
(:name field))

(defn- substitute-one-field-filter-date-range [{field :field, {param-type :type, value :value} :value}]
(let [{:keys [start end]} (date-params/date-string->range value {:inclusive-end? false})
start-condition (when start
(format "{%s: {$gte: %s}}" (field->name field) (param-value->str field ( start))))
end-condition (when end
(format "{%s: {$lt: %s}}" (field->name field) (param-value->str field ( end))))]
(if (and start-condition end-condition)
(format "{$and: [%s, %s]}" start-condition end-condition)
(or start-condition

;; Field filter value is either params/no-value (handled in `substitute-param`, a map with `:type` and `:value`, or a
;; sequence of those maps.
(defn- substitute-one-field-filter [{field :field, {param-type :type, value :value} :value, :as field-filter}]
;; convert relative dates to approprate date range representations
(date-params/date-range-type? param-type)
(substitute-one-field-filter-date-range field-filter)

;; a `date/single` like `2020-01-10`
(and (date-params/date-type? param-type)
(string? value))
(let [t ( value)]
(format "{$and: [%s, %s]}"
(format "{%s: {$gte: %s}}" (field->name field) (param-value->str field t))
(format "{%s: {$lt: %s}}" (field->name field) (param-value->str field ( t :day 1)))))

(format "%s" (param-value->str field value))))

(defn- substitute-field-filter [{field :field, {:keys [value]} :value, :as field-filter}]
(if (sequential? value)
(format "%s" (param-value->str field value))
(substitute-one-field-filter field-filter)))

(defn- substitute-param [param->value [acc missing] in-optional? {:keys [k], :as param}]
(let [v (get param->value k)]
(not (contains? param->value k))
[acc (conj missing k)]

(params/FieldFilter? v)
(let [no-value? (= (:value v) params/no-value)]
;; no-value field filters inside optional clauses are ignored and omitted entirely
(and no-value? in-optional?) [acc (conj missing k)]
;; otherwise replace it with a {} which is the $match equivalent of 1 = 1, i.e. always true
no-value? [(conj acc "{}") missing]
:else [(conj acc (substitute-field-filter v))

(= v params/no-value)
[acc (conj missing k)]

[(conj acc (param-value->str nil v)) missing])))

(declare substitute*)

(defn- substitute-optional [param->value [acc missing] {subclauses :args}]
(let [[opt-acc opt-missing] (substitute* param->value subclauses true)]
(if (seq opt-missing)
[acc missing]
[(into acc opt-acc) missing])))

(defn- substitute*
"Returns a sequence of `[[replaced...] missing-parameters]`."
[param->value xs in-optional?]
(fn [[acc missing] x]
(string? x)
[(conj acc x) missing]

(params/Param? x)
(substitute-param param->value [acc missing] in-optional? x)

(params/Optional? x)
(substitute-optional param->value [acc missing] x)

(throw (ex-info (tru "Don''t know how to substitute {0} {1}" (.getName (class x)) (pr-str x))
{:type error-type/driver}))))
[[] nil]

(defn- substitute [param->value xs]
(let [[replaced missing] (substitute* param->value xs false)]
(when (seq missing)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot run query: missing required parameters: {0}" (set missing))
{:type error-type/invalid-query})))
(when (seq replaced)
(str/join replaced))))

(defn- parse-and-substitute [param->value x]
(if-not (string? x)
(u/prog1 (substitute param->value (parse/parse x))
(when-not (= x <>)
(log/debug (tru "Substituted {0} -> {1}" (pr-str x) (pr-str <>)))))))

(defn substitute-native-parameters
"Implementation of `driver/substitute-native-parameters` for Cube.js."
[_ inner-query]
(let [param->value (values/query->params-map inner-query)]
(update inner-query :query (partial walk/postwalk (partial parse-and-substitute param->value)))))

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