This issue/PR relates to a bug.
This PR has to do with improving code readability/quality ( refactoring, etc. )
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue/PR relates to a deprecated module.
This issue/PR relates to or includes documentation.
This issue/PR relates to a feature request.
This issue/PR relates to a feature request.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Changes related to project infrastructure ( CI/CD, deploy mechanism, etc. )
Pull requests that update Javascript code
This issue/PR is specifically for the linux ecosystem
This issue/PR is specifically for the mac ecosystem
Marks an important and likely breaking change.
Issue specific label. More information is needed to assist the issue creator.
Candidate for the next-gen project
Relates to product or testing performance.
This issue/PR is meant to gather feedback on an idea/change
Pull requests that update Python code
This PR is asking whether it is possible to achieve a certain outcome
This PR is part of the release workflow
Can be missed from the changelog.
Not updated in long time, will be closed soon.
This PR relates to tests, QA, CI.
This issue/PR is specifically for the windows ecosystem