LiquidFloatingActionButton is floating action button component of material design in liquid state, inspired by Material In a Liquid State. This is also spinner loader components in liquid state.
- liquid animation
- easily custoizable
- Objective-C compatible
You can play a demo with appetize.io
You just need implement LiquidFloatingActionButtonDataSource
and LiquidFloatingActionButtonDelegate
similar to well-known UIKit design.
let floatingActionButton = LiquidFloatingActionButton(frame: floatingFrame)
floatingActionButton.dataSource = self
floatingActionButton.delegate = self
- func numberOfCells(liquidFloatingActionButton: LiquidFloatingActionButton) -> Int
- func cellForIndex(index: Int) -> LiquidFloatingCell
- optional func liquidFloatingActionButton(liquidFloatingActionButton: LiquidFloatingActionButton, didSelectItemAtIndex index: Int)
LiquidFloatingActionButton is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "LiquidFloatingActionButton"
or, if you use Carthage, add the following line to your Carthage
github "yoavlt/LiquidFloatingActionButton"
LiquidFloatingActionButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.