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Daniel Larsson edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 3 revisions

Session variables

This section describes the session variables that can be used with some of the actions.

Some action parameters support session variables. A session variable is defined by putting the variable, prefixed by a dot, within double curly brackets, such as {{.UserName}}.

The following session variables are supported in actions:

  • UserName: The simulated username. This is not the same as the authenticated user, but rather how the username was defined by Login settings.
  • Session: The enumeration of the currently simulated session.
  • Thread: The enumeration of the currently simulated "thread" or "concurrent user".
  • ScriptVars: A map containing script variables added by the action setscriptvar.
  • Artifacts:
    • GetIDByTypeAndName: A function that accepts the two string arguments, artifactType and artifactName, and returns the resource id of the artifact.
    • GetNameByTypeAndID: A function that accepts the two string arguments, artifactType and artifactID, and returns the name of the artifact.

The following variable is supported in the filename of the log file:

  • ConfigFile: The filename of the config file, without file extension.

The following functions are supported:

  • now: Evaluates Golang time.Now().
  • hostname: Hostname of the local machine.
  • timestamp: Timestamp in yyyyMMddhhmmss format.
  • uuid: Generate an uuid.
  • env: Retrieve a specific environment variable. Takes one argument - the name of the environment variable to expand.
  • add: Adds two integer values together and outputs the sum. E.g. {{ add 1 2 }}.
  • join: Joins array elements together to a string separated by defined separator. E.g. {{ join .ScriptVars.MyArray \",\" }}.
  • modulo: Returns modulo of two integer values and output the result. E.g. {{ modulo 10 4 }} (will return 2)


    "label" : "Create bookmark",
    "action": "createbookmark",
    "settings": {
        "title": "my bookmark {{.Thread}}-{{.Session}} ({{.UserName}})",
        "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
    "label" : "Publish created bookmark",
    "action": "publishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "title": "my bookmark {{.Thread}}-{{.Session}} ({{.UserName}})",
  "action": "createbookmark",
  "settings": {
    "title": "{{env \"TITLE\"}}",
    "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "BookmarkCounter",
        "type": "int",
        "value": "1"
  "action": "createbookmark",
  "settings": {
    "title": "Bookmark no {{ add .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter 1 }}",
    "description": "This bookmark will have the title Bookmark no 2"
  "action": "setscriptvar",
  "settings": {
    "name": "MyAppId",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "{{.Artifacts.GetIDByTypeAndName \"app\" (print \"an-app-\" .Session)}}"

Let's assume the case there are 4 apps to be used in the test, all ending with number 0 to 3. The use of modulo in the example will cycle through the app suffix number in following order: 1, 2, 3, 0.

  "action": "elastictriggersubscription",
  "label": "trigger reporting task",
  "settings": {
    "subscriptiontype": "template-sharing",
    "limitperpage": 100,
    "appname": "PS-18566_Test_Levels_Pages- {{ modulo .Session 4}}",
    "subscriptionmode": "random",

Very similar case as above but apps have number suffix from 1 to 4. This can be handled combining modulo and add functions. The cycle through the suffix number will be done in following order: 2, 3, 4, 1.

  "action": "elastictriggersubscription",
  "label": "trigger reporting task",
  "settings": {
    "subscriptiontype": "template-sharing",
    "limitperpage": 100,
    "appname": "PS-18566_Test_Levels_Pages- {{ modulo .Session 4 | add 1 }}",
    "subscriptionmode": "random",
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