Releases: quaris628/EinsteinEditor
Releases · quaris628/EinsteinEditor
v1.17.0 Release
- Recognize as a valid 0.6.0 version
- Color input synapses the same color as their neuron
- Minor improvement to auto-arrange (especially noticeable for small brains)
- Display number of hidden neurons and synapses
- Buncha fixes to zooming, including fixing a crash when you're zoomed very far in and save
v1.16.0 Release
- Deactivated synapses display as dotted lines
- You can activate and deactivate synapses with Alt+Click
- Reset zoom level upon opening a .bb8
v1.15.0 Release
- Added support for 0.6.0 (identical to 0.6.0a18)
v1.14.0 Release
- Added support for v0.6.0a18 (InfectionRate and ImmuneSystem neurons were removed)
- Fix converting between 0.6a5 through 9 and 0.6a10 through 12 making neuron versions be set to 0.4 (not sure what all the effects were)
- Fix crash when converting up through or to 0.6.0a13 through 15 without a Want2Eat neuron in the brain
v1.13.0 Release
- Added support for some bibites mods!
- Added transparent background to the left menu bar
- Make menu buttons/backgrounds block clicks from passing through them onto neurons/synapses that are behind them!
- Neurons that are colored the default color will not have any hex code appended to their descriptions
- Fix converting between 0.6a5 through 9 and 0.6a10 through 12 clearing the entire brain
- After a "Save As" that involves a version conversion, the displayed bibite version will be correct (not change)
- After a "Save As" that involves a version conversion, do not change which file the "Save" button will save to
- A one-off crash fix
v1.12.1 Release
- Correctly change Want2Eat to a TanH for 0.6a16 thru 17
- Fix outputs with biases not being saved/loaded
- Fix another possibility for infinite loop when fixing duplicate descriptions
v1.12.0 Release
- Added support for v0.6.0a17 (no changes from 16)
- Bibite versions are now matched exactly instead of on prefixes (so that 0.6a17 doesn't accidentally get matched as 0.6a1, for example)
v1.11.0 Release
- Added support for v0.6.0a16
- Synapse order will no longer impact brain calculations (this was a bug that was patched in v0.6.0a16)
v1.10.0 Release
- Display a message when a new einstein version is available for download (and open the latest-release webpage when clicked)
v1.9.3 Release
- Neuron value calculations now correctly take into account the order that synapses fire
- Maintain the order of synapses when loading a brain from a file